Ya know what? It would be a brilliant idea if we combine - TopicsExpress


Ya know what? It would be a brilliant idea if we combine graveyards and floral sanctuaries. The vast display of various radiant plants adorn with beautiful and bountiful pedals of the most vibrant, eye catching color pallets which contain only the richest tones across each end atop a fresh rainbows peak. These flowers stand as a glorious tribute to predecessors of past generations forever expanding its roots, thriving within nutrient enriched soil breaking down the deceased becoming one with nature in memory of those loved and lost. Just an obscure lil idea tapped up via mobile application, quite eloquently I might add, with the intent to convey philosophical, mentally stimulating, intellectual process of thought to stroke my ego.... Ahhh, expanding the minds perplexing pool of endless, ebbing knowledge cast upon the Earth in the form of linguistic, descriptive writings eventually ending its journey in the effort to derail the linear path of free thought, so at its end, all stand bearing the unyielding gift of priceless wisdom by yours truly for all to ignore :)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 15:53:20 +0000

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