Yagba East LGA of Kogi State, Where Two Wrongs Make A Right, And - TopicsExpress


Yagba East LGA of Kogi State, Where Two Wrongs Make A Right, And Two Rights are Equal to a Wrong The staff of Yagba East LGA of Kogi State have reportedly been on rampage since the past three consecutive days, beginning from last Monday. They are protesting against the political and administrative elements of the local govt. - i.e. the Chairman, the councillors and the Management - for what they perceive as a case of monkey dey work, baboon dey chop. Their grievances was encapsulated in the words of one of the placards they carried: Why should politicians be paid 100% of their salaries, while civil servants are paid only 40% of their salaries? That was a logical question, no doubt. But since when has logic or common sense enjoyed priority in the culture of governance all over Nigeria, from local govt level to Aso Rock? Evidently, the country as a whole is a gigantic animal farm, where all animals are theoretically equal but practically some are more equal than the others. Anyway, lets go back to the happenings in Yagba East LGA, to the hunters and the hunted, to the excellent fiends (synonymous with monsters, devils, demons, ogres, etc.) of a benighted LGA, where grassroots democracy has become such a silly myth and the culture of Omuluabi has virtually become extinct - no thanks to the evil winds of dirty, crass, unrefined and unimaginative politics and politicking prevailing there. Otherwise, how could two groups of people (like two elephants) have engaged in a conflict - i.e. the group of the elected ruling politicians and their retainers and different cadres of hangers-on on the one hand in the LGA, and on the other, the group of impoverished civil servants and their various sympathizers (including, I am made to understand, some disgruntled politicians who have been sidelined and tactically excluded from partaking in the monthly delicacies of the local govt. set up) - otherwise how could these two groups of people have locked horns over an issue or issues, and none of them is seen to be right or completely wrong? In other words, how could both of them have been right and wrong at the same time? I dare say, without caring whose goat is gored, that what is happening right now in the LGA is simply the outcome of the way and manner the so- called stakeholders have traditionally taken politics - i.e. as an end in itself, rather than as a means to an end. And mostly, let me tell you, it is the politics of kleptomania, in which both the hunters and the hunters have always been willing accomplices, and therefore implicated and neck-deep in the quicksands of blame. And this thing didnt just start today. No. It has always been there since the beginning of the present political dispensation. Well, I wont say more than this for now, for the tide is still turning. So lets continue to watch as the ugly scenario unfolds from day to day....
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 15:09:12 +0000

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