Yahoo's Interim Chairman: Meg Whitman Was My Mentor | 9Digg - - TopicsExpress


Yahoo's Interim Chairman: Meg Whitman Was My Mentor | 9Digg - What the web is talking about right now Maynard Webb is a well-known Valley super angel, funding a huge list of startups like Okta, Rypple, Badgeville, Nebula, and Diffbot. And he’s a big fan of HP’s CEO Meg Whitman. He sits on the boards of Salesforce and Yahoo, and last month was tapped to be Yahoo’s interim chairman when Fred Amoroso stepped down. In the early 2000′s, Maynard spent five years at eBay ultimately becoming COO under Meg Whitman. He calls Whitman his mentor. “She brought the best out of me. Challenged me to do things I never imagined I could do. I have a tremendous amount of respect and regard for Meg,” he said to Bloomberg West’s Emily Chang. Whitman has had her arms full at HP, orchestrating a multi-year layoff affecting about 29,000 employees, dodging bullets over the disastrous $11 billion Autonomy acquisition, and trying to get HP’s shrinking businesses to grow. She has her share of critics. But she also has the respect of some of the most powerful people in the tech world. In December, Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, who sits on the HP’s board, said of her, “Meg is the best CEO since the founders.” Maynard was discussing his mentor because earlier this month he launched a startup, that matches mentors to mentees: Everwise. SEE ALSO: The 19 Best Enterprise Tech Venture Capitalists Please follow SAI: Enterprise on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story »
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 08:18:33 +0000

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