Yahshua said He was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of - TopicsExpress


Yahshua said He was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matt. 15:24). Yet most of Christians believe only Jews are Israel. Jews believe Jews are only israel. Up till King Solomon all 12 houses of Israel were called Israel ,after King Solomon Ephraim and Judah divided into tow kingdoms and became two witnesses of Yahweh.Isaiah 43:10 All the tribes were still in Yahwehs Kingdom for awhile before Ephraim and the 10 tribes were removed. The birthright of the name of Israel was given to Ephraim.(Genesis 12:1-3; 13:16; 15:3-5, 17:1-7; 22:17) (17:16-22;26:3-5) (25:24-26(25:23, 29-34) ) ;(48:12-20) Ephraim and Manasseh receive the birthright, not the Jews! The birthright promises AREN’T fulfilled when they become tribes. The birthright promises ARE fulfilled when they become nations, a multitude of nations, and many kings! To Ephraim and Manasseh : Blessed be everyone that blesses you, cursed be everyone who curses you, you will be exceedingly fruitful, you will possess the gates of your enemies, you will be a blessing to all nations you will be as numerous as the sand on the seashore and as the stars in heaven. By 722 B.C., Yahweh had had enough. Hosea describes Ephraim as mixing himself with the Gentiles. (7:8) They wanted to be just like every other nation, rather than His unique treasure. (2 Kgs. 17:8) So they got what they asked for; their punishment was to actually become Gentiles! Jacob had prophesied that Ephraim’s descendants would become the fullness of the Gentiles. (Gen. 48:19; Romans 11) Behold, the days are coming, declares Yahweh, when it will no longer be said, As Yahweh lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of Egypt, but rather, As Yahweh lives, who brought the descendants of Israel from all the lands to which He had driven them.... I will send for many fishermen, and they will fish them out...for My eyes are on all their journeyings... (Jeremiah 16:16) Like the legends of peasants who discover they are really royalty, we may be amazed to find that we are heirs to a noble lineage after all--again, if we will keep the covenant this time. What is His covenant with Israel? The Torah, which was given to Israel at Mt. Sinai for all her generations. By accepting it, our ancestors obligated us to it as well. At His last Passover, Yahshua initiated a New Covenant (prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31). In Hebrew, it is really a renewal of the same covenant, with a few allowances added for while we make the transition back. But the Covenant is with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. It cannot be fully in effect until Israel is back together, for it is not with individuals but with a unified nation. So our focus needs to shift from just being saved individuals to again being the people of Israel. Dont pass up this highest of callings! We dare not fail again!!!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:17:22 +0000

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