Yahweh God still has a plan for Israel and the Jewish people. - TopicsExpress


Yahweh God still has a plan for Israel and the Jewish people. Israel was never replaced by the church for we were grafted into the branch, for they are the original branches. Romans 11:17-24 speaks of the olive tree and its branches and how Israel is partly in blindness now but that will all change once the fullness of gentiles has come (Romans 11:26). I felt led to speak about Israel and the Jewish people out of love for them. Every church I have ever been to in the past and present has never spoken about the prophecies regarding Yahweh Gods plan for Israel. Did you know that after all of their rebellion and disobedience towards Almighty they were disbursed and scattered among the nations for almost 2000 years without having their own nation (Deuteronomy 28:64). They become a nation(state)again officially in 1948 and in the 1967 war they recaptured Jerusalem which is their capital. Well now John Kerry under President Obamas authority has framework to divide the Holy Land, Israel and Jerusalem. They have many demands in this peace deal that truly makes the Jewish people vulnerable as well losing their sovereignty. Genesis 12:1-3 says anyone who curses Israel shall be cursed and Joel 3:2 says He will bring judgment upon all nations that have divided His land, that is the U.S.A now. For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. - Obadiah 1:15
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 12:42:41 +0000

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