Yall, I am going to share a season of my life, okay? I was in a - TopicsExpress


Yall, I am going to share a season of my life, okay? I was in a good but miserable marriage for almost twenty years but was only happy the first ten years. We got very distant, he had his room and I had mine and we did not make love for ten years. He was a musician but I did not want him to play secular music. I held him back so I let go of him in 2011 and he is just thriving in his music and I am so happy for him! But at the time when we were together at the end of when we still lived together I used to blast my ghetto speakers w/ this song. My very best friend in the world Roscoe died and I almost died because I did not eat for a three months. Guess what???? I went to the doctor and Mayo Clinic put me on Ensure and told me I could die if I dont get any food in me but I rattled the windows with this song as I could not stop crying because of Roscoe RIP 6-23-2011 but within three months I came out of the pits of hell. I have a beach house about ten miles from here which I can go to when things become way too overwhelming so I went to the beach house for a few days to cool out, lol. I came home and guess what? My ceiling collapsed in my home of twenty years and this is what I came home too! I praised God because I knew it was time to move and really heal. I moved into an apartment and started smiling again and I have lived here for going on four years. They built a beautiful church right up the road, The Church of Eleven22, where I prayed one would be in. I no longer am crying, nor miserable and love and live again. I totally believe in seasons of your life. I know you will be so happy to hear that I am again claiming I am too blessed to be stressed because I am!!!! I have a fireplace and logs in going, candles are all lit and I have it made in the shade! Please forgive me for being negative at the beginning of my season but it turned out all good and that is my point of it. It is okay to share a little of our life and should so we can really know each other so I am ready to about yall and what song did you play during a good season in your life or a great one perhaps! God bless each and every single person in this group and I can only pray you find happiness. you and love that I once can feel! God bless each and every one of you!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:00:51 +0000

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