Yall KNOW me. Im NOT one to stir the pot when it comes to - TopicsExpress


Yall KNOW me. Im NOT one to stir the pot when it comes to politics OR football. :-) But this morning, I was sitting in Starbucks and saw a lady wearing her Bama has 457 National Championships t-shirt, and....well....since football season is upon us, I felt it necessary to do my annual debunking of MOST of those championships. Hopefully, it will make you think TWICE before wearing such propaganda out in public. First, let me say, in FAIRNESS to Alabama, that, the PROBLEM with the whole National Championship thing down through the years is that there have always been MULTIPLE polls that awarded the Champion. The problem was that the polls were often taken BEFORE the season was over. WHY is beyond me. Thankfully we are moving into the era of the playoff (what so many of us have been waiting on for years) so from here on out, if a team DOESNT make the playoffs and ultimately WIN the playoffs, any poll that awards them a NC, will be totally bogus. Anyway, lets look quickly at some important seasons that Bama claims as Championships that, in retrospect, they probably were NOT. 1925 - Bama AND Dartmouth BOTH claim the title. (If 2 teams claim it, then SOMEBODY is NOT a champion) 1926 - In addition to Bama - Navy, Lafayette and Stanford ALSO claim a championship. So we had FOUR champions in one season? LOL...okay. 1930 - There were TEN different organizations/polls awarding the NC. Bama and Notre Dame ended the season with the same record. EIGHT of the 10 gave it to ND, yet Bama claims that year as a Championship. 1934 - This time ELEVEN polls award the championship and SEVEN of the 11 give it to Minnesota rather than Bama, yet the Bammers still claim it. *1941 - This is probably my second favorite of Bamas titles. In 41, Bama ended the season ranked...are you sitting down....20th by the AP. As a matter of FACT, there were FOURTEEN teams with BETTER records that the Tide. (You just cant make this stuff up). In 41, Bama finished, not 1st, not 2nd, but THIRD in the SEC. Of the 12 polls that year, ALL BUT ONE gave the NC to Minnesota, yet....Bammers add it to the total on their t-shirts. 1964 - It was Arkansas with the better record AND Bama LOST to Texas in their Bowl Game. Of the 15 polls (yes...it was getting ridiculous) SIX gave the championship to Arkansas, FOUR gave it to Notre Dame, FOUR to Bama, and One gave Michigan the nod. But Bama claims the championship. 1965 - Just one season later, Bama ended in 9-1-1 (yes, you could end in a tie in those days.) However, Nebraska, Michigan State and Arkansas all ended the season 10-1-0. TEN out of 15 polls gave the NC to .......Michigan State. But Bama claims it. 1973 - by this season, we were up to SIXTEEN polls that awarded the NC. In this particular season, THREE teams had BETTER records than Bama. In addition, Bama LOST to ND in their bowl game. SIX polls gave the championship to ND. FIVE gave the nod to Oklahoma. THREE gave it to Ohio State. Only TWO gave it to Bama. ***1978 - ah my FAVORITE of all. If you are a Bama fan and you claim 1978 as a Championship - you are certified LOONEY TUNES. In 1978, only TWO teams ended the season with one loss. Those two teams were - Bama and USC. HOWEVER (now pay attention) Bamas one loss WAS TO USC!!!! Still, Bama claims they were the NC. what??????? Yes, of COURSE I recognize that Alabama has had a few legit championships, but before you put on that t-shirt that says 15 National Championships just be aware, it just AINT so. Feel free to share with football fans everywhere. Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:30:55 +0000

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