Yall sit down a minute, I have a story to tell :D It is so true - TopicsExpress


Yall sit down a minute, I have a story to tell :D It is so true that until youve walked in someone elses shoes, you have no idea what its like. Abuse comes in many forms, all of them leaving a scar. I used to think that those who stayed in abusive relationships were weak, had bad judgement, and no support system to help them out of the situation. My eyes have been opened over this last year. I watched helplessly as an always strong, always confident, young woman became scarred. I dreaded seeing her name on my caller I.D., my heart raced every time as I waited to see if there had been more trouble. Because those calls came often, at all hours of the day and night. The abuse began cloaked in the lure of true, instant Love. An offer of marriage came within two weeks of meeting this predator. An offer of taking care of her financially and a convincing plea for her to quit the TWO jobs she ambitiously held. These were the first signs of control. A beautiful child was born a few months later. The control issues were so obvious to everyone but this young woman in love, that the state childrens advocate was called in to interview the mother {while the baby was still in the NICU}, to be sure the baby would be going home to a safe environment. In two weeks, the physical abuse occurred. But so convinced by his apologies and total acceptance of blame, she dropped the first protective order and stayed with the hopes of working through the problems. Seven months of emotional and verbal abuse was endured by this once strong young woman, now broken and believing his dagger-ed words that she could never afford to live without his help. Finally, her supportive family had convinced her and showed her how strong we are and we laid out the details of exactly how she could once again be the independent woman she had been her entire life. All this in spite of the thoughts he tried to make her believe: Your family cant afford an attorney, so good luck with that. Without an attorney, this determined young woman faced a court battle against her predator. And WON. A one year restraining order and a stalking charge was put in effect TWO months after the break up. Even as this predator had found another woman to begin a new Life with. The year has been long and difficult to watch unfold. Stressful is not a powerful enough word to describe our lives for over a year. But knowing that her story has a great ending and that could inspire others in similar situations. makes it worth sharing. The best way to avoid abuse is to keep your eyes open, looking for red flags that look like they want you to be surrounded by no one but them. Go ahead and check their criminal background if you have any doubts. Stories of their crazy ex are most likely just that... Stories. Trust your gut feelings when you have doubts. Predators are very convincing, very charming Be strong. Love is sometimes powerful enough to blind us all. Listen to your friends and family whose vision has Not been affected
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 17:54:40 +0000

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