Yall talking about injustices and what not, yall need to be - TopicsExpress


Yall talking about injustices and what not, yall need to be watching this story on 20/20 about this girl who was shot in the head and lived; just because she wanted the same education as a man. 16 years old with a Nobel peace prize, not a baby, and has openly addressed the UN! Yall worried about boys and whats happening after school, but there are people who have way less than we do and theyre concerned with being revolutionary within the world they, excuse me, WE live..... One thing she has that most American children dont is a father who takes time to fuel her dreams. Take note, in 10 years youre going to look back and wonder why the hell youre so far back..... Dont become a statistic, always rise above. Parents mold your kids dreams... If you dont help them develop, they wont.... Idk if its because my parents were older and were able to teach me better, but damn, my generation is lost and no one really addresses it and those that do arent trying to implement change but negatively criticize. Just a rant, excuse me. Long live the Malalas of the world :)
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:23:21 +0000

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