Yay Federal Reserve. Once again, I revert back to a previous - TopicsExpress


Yay Federal Reserve. Once again, I revert back to a previous post from last week. The poor and lower middle class voted for Democrats to steal the money from the middle and upper class. They felt entitled to it. They did it because they were angry that some have, and some dont. Circumstances didnt matter. Work ethic didnt matter. Continued and higher education didnt matter. All that mattered is they wanted what was in the possession of the other guy. This is a fact, not my opinion. Thats why they voted for Obama. Thats why they voted for Debil Deblasio. So let me tell you one of my long exciting stories. I love to tell stories, only this one has a happier ending for the other guy instead of the fairy tale the poor wanted from the recent elections. Democrats want Big Government. What does this mean? They Grow government. Agencies, Bureaucracies, etc. How do they pay for it? Two ways. By taxing and borrowing. When they cant tax anymore - they borrow more. God forbid a modern day Democrat lower corporate tax rates and/or capital gains taxes to allow the private sector to flourish and naturally grow the economy for all. Trouble is - the poor and lower class dont want to think open minded. They just want to punish the rich. Kudos to Elizabeth Warren for embracing that. I always knew native Americans were smarter than the rest of us. Back on point though - I digress sometimes. So what happens when we have taxed all that we can tax? We borrow. We, as a nation, borrows. We open up our credit card accounts - and borrow to fund out bloated expenses. We issue bonds, to raise money. But who buys these bonds? Who is lending us this money we so desperately need? China? Yes. Japan? Yes. But thats only a portion of our needs. In comes the Federal Reserve. For the Obama voters who think the FED is the same thing as The Federal Government - I applaud your efforts. The Federal Reserve, unlike the Federal Government, controls all monetary policy in the United States. Created nearly a century ago, it answers to no one, and cant be regulated the way a business is. What is its purpose? It prints money to purchase government bonds. Out of thin air - it creates and diminishes how much money is on the open market. How? Why? Because thats the accounting procedural nonsense that goes on. Its as if you go to the grocery store - have $200 worth of stuff in your wagon - and $0 in your wallet. You take out a pen, a pretty piece of paper, and write $200 on it, hand it to the cashier and walk out. If you do it - its theft. If they do it, its pretty much kosher. What does it mean for you, the folks that voted in Obama to steal the money from the other guy? Well, the typical Obama voter will get their $300 a week in food stamps, medicaid, Obamaphone. They also get to feel like they won...and they did! Sort of. They did get something for nothing. Well, not nothing - since someone else had to pay for it. However, did they REALLY win. Have their incomes gone up? Have they saved a bit more this year than last? Have they contributed to their childrens 529 plan for college? What about an IRA contribution? Anything? No. So they didnt really win. Did they? So wheres the upside? Well! Those Obama supporters just dont realize that the other guy probably has a big chunk of his money in the market, with the special watch-over of an adviser who has explained to him that when the FED lowers interest rates to nearly 0%...it makes no sense to keep your liquid (cash) in a bank, unless they are OK with seeing $3.42 deposited into their account monthly in the form of interest payments. When money is so cheap to borrow - theres only a few places to put ones own capital. One of them is the stock market where gains have included an 11,000 point gain since the lows (2008). Sure its creating a massive bubble - and if youre smart - you time it right. However, The Fed just announced that they dont plan on raising rates anytime soon, and kept in the key language of considerable time before changing this policy in their statement. So to sum up this ENTIRE post....while you Obama supporting jealousy filled envious raging poor souls were gleefully stealing $300 a week from the other guy - the other guy was making 30% a year on his money, laughing all the way to the bank and will continue to do so...For a considerably amount of time. Its the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, and the biggest scam ever. Thank you, though.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 19:31:19 +0000

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