Ye Have Need of Patience 1 Peter 5:1-11 The Word of God - TopicsExpress


Ye Have Need of Patience 1 Peter 5:1-11 The Word of God contains forty-nine references to the word patience in its various forms; interestingly, only three occur in the Old Testament. However, we find excellent advice in those three texts (Psa.37:7; 40:1; Eccl.7:8). We also discover that suffering (v.10) and patience (Heb.10:36) are inseparably linked in Gods Word. The word patience means bearing or enduring pain, trouble, etc., without complaining or losing self-control. Both people and things can certainly test ones patience. Yes, patience is that calm and unruffled temper with which the good man bears the evils of life, whether they proceed from persons or things. How very true! Patience always entails testing, time, and tenacity; these form a connecting cord in every instance in which patience is required. Testing-next to sin, suffering is the most inexplicable mystery. Everyone from individuals to nations suffer with often no reasonable earthly explanation for their suffering. Time-this word suggests the question, How long?-to which God answers, a while (v.10). The prominent word in connection with suffering and time is wait. Tenacity-in response to the question. How?; that is, How am I to endure suffering?-the Lord says we are to bear the evils of life with calm and unruffled temper and to sweetly submit to Gods providential appointments. Often, the answers will come. Testing (or suffering) can be both disciplinary and educative (2 Cor.4:17). Time reminds us that life is composed of waiting periods (Psa.37:7). Tenacity is a divinely given grace that prevents one from despair in the face of evil (Lk.21:19). Ye have need of patience (Heb.10:36).
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:59:00 +0000

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