Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou Shalt Love Thy - TopicsExpress


Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbour, And Hate Thine Enemy. BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BLESS Them that Curse you, DO GOOD to Them that Hate you, and PRAY for Them which Despitefully Use you, and PERSECUTE you; THAT YE MAY BE THE CHILDREN OF YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN: For HE maketh HIS Sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good, and sendeth Rain on the Just and on the Unjust... Matt5:43-45kjv WE may feel that WE are surrounded by Enemies! That may be true, but God says HIS LOVE, is the Only thing They are going to See, Feel, or Experience. WE have been Tapped for the Task. They Know Exactly What Hatred Is, WE ALL See It Everyday. BUT, They have Never Experienced Gods Pure, Unconditional Love. There have been times that I have been exposed to some of the most Godless Rants from a person I work with. Seriously, they make EVERYONE hearing them uncomfortable, saved and unsaved alike. Its those times that I realize, JUST HOW MERCIFUL GOD IS. You may ask,What Do You Mean? Paul said,...I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for He counted me Faithful, putting me in the ministry; WHO WAS BEFORE A BLASPHEMER, AND A PERSECUTOR, AND INJURIOUS: but I obtained MERCY, because I DID IT IGNORANTLY IN UNBELIEF... 1Tim.1:12-13kjv The ONLY Enemy God EXPECTS US to Resist and Fight, is OUR Spiritual Adversary, Satan! The Physical Ones are Potential Brothers or Sisters in the Lord. I KNOW, ITS HARD TO COMPREHEND, BUT GODS MERCY AND LOVE IS SUCH THAT HE WANTS NONE TO PERISH, BUT ALL TO COME TO REPENTENCE! Jesus Christ, Himself, taught these things as an example, right before He taught US HOW to Pray...I know it may be difficult, But I Will Try To Do This With The Knowledge...THAT SOMEONE ONCE PRAYED FOR ME!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 08:56:09 +0000

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