Yeah, 9/11 passed without me ranting about it. Did anybody notice? - TopicsExpress


Yeah, 9/11 passed without me ranting about it. Did anybody notice? :D but lets do a short one since I ran into this footage. what other new information could I share with you apart from that commercial airliners cant fly at speeds these planes where flying at sea level altitude since theres too much wind resistance for a flying bus. But hey, who cares right? 1,5 million dead Iraqis later and 8 trillion dollars payed-by-hard-working tax-payers later to Haliburton, Feds and GE pockets, who are the same people by the way and Iraq is still total chaos. why bother when you can be looking at Dancing with the Stars instead while eating cheesy starch and washing it down with liquid sugar and brushing them teeth with Crest before going to bed dreaming about nothing at all.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 07:59:10 +0000

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