Yeah I know I don’t post much here but.... After a - TopicsExpress


Yeah I know I don’t post much here but.... After a conversation with a precious friend I have been pondering a conversation with my spiritual mother and feel compelled to share. She was encouraging me to be bold; with the words God gives me. Encouraging me to release a prophetic word I had. She encouraged me to remove fear and doubt that I had, that it was me and to have trust (faith) that God is moving on the behalf of someone or maybe even several with me the chosen conduit. At first, yes I was very scared that I was way off, but I obeyed and to my surprise it was a confirming word that literally encouraged and catapulted someone into her destiny. I felt very encouraged as I remember my mentors words she said, “Does it encourage, exhort, and edify….?” So if you have a word today and your feeling like it is you and not God, ask yourself could this word discourage or encourage someone? If your answer is discourage pray your best prayer for that person. If it encourages, then I encourage you to release that word! Don’t worry about how eloquent it sounds to you….It just might be the wording that confirms or encourages someone (as in my case). The beautiful thing is once it manifest, suddenly all doubt and fear goes out the window! So not what the enemy wants! Plus you’re encouraged by a word that you release for someone else! (Bonus) How cool is that! When you trust in faith that God wants to do something amazing, amazing things start to happen!!! Of course they do! Why? Because we serve an amazing God who likes to “show up and show off “ in our lives. Be encourage to give that word and when you do remember… 1 Thessalonians 5:11(AMP) Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 22:18:29 +0000

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