Yeah, Im reading about the China-U.S. climate agreement announced - TopicsExpress


Yeah, Im reading about the China-U.S. climate agreement announced tonight. Im looking forward to the coming analysis in the next few days from the likes of David Roberts, Joseph Romm, Kate Sheppard, and Bill McKibben, along with the climate scientists. But on first blush there seems to be a pro and a con here. PRO: Its a more serious commitment than anything that has come from the U.S. or China before, it will put pressure on others, and it will help spur the one thousand little workflows that need to gear up for the transition. According to reports the non-legally-enforced agreement includes China to stopping its emissions from growing by 2030, and the U.S. would emit 26 to 28 % less carbon in 2025 than it did in 2005. The NYTimes says that would *double* the pace of reduction from its former target for the period from 2005 to 2020. CON: Its just not enough to meet the goals of an 80% reduction (or more) for the whole world by 2050. Heck, China didnt even use the word reductions. 2030 is way too late to peak ones emissions from what Ive read from climate scientists and the IPCC. Also, this wont have the legal power of a treaty and the suicidal Republican Party will work day and night to thwart our meeting that goal. Their leader in Congress has already declared the eliminating of any regulations of CO2 as a top priority and defining position for the party. CJ nytimes/2014/11/12/world/asia/china-us-xi-obama-apec.html
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 05:22:05 +0000

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