Yeah yall Wsup!...Let me take you back It was 22 yrs ago today - TopicsExpress


Yeah yall Wsup!...Let me take you back It was 22 yrs ago today and I had finally got my life and my ish together...I was just 4 months on the job with Transit working out in East NY driving the B14 bus (one of them Old Iron Horse ones with No power steering (remember Those? Lol) down Pitkin ave when all of a sudden my Beeper went off (remember Them lol)..Well anyway my home number along with 911 was on the screen so I knew it had to be about one of two things...Either my Moms who was in the hospital in a Coma. Or my Lady at the time who was then pregnant. THIS was not a drill ish just got Real!...So I pulled my bus over ASAP to look for a Payphone (remember Them lol) Anyway I found one (they were in Abundance back then) and jumped off the bus and made the call. Dont recall who answered but they said my ladys water had broke and all that and she was in route to the hospital. WHOA!!!...What to do?...So after I hung up I jumped back on the bus and yelled This bus is out of Service!! lied to my passengers and said something was wrong with the bus and put them on the Next one. Then I made a Bee line to my depot and told my Supervisor what it was and he Cooly said Go take care of your Family I said thank you and I was OUT...I jumped in my car and had to go from BK all the way to Einstein Hospital up in the Bronx..MERCY!...I musta made it in 20 mins...But First I had to pay the Bridge Toll...Let me just say that Luckily there was no traffic that day and Luckily there was a brown shirt at the toll booth and also Too luckily I didnt Give a F because when I got to the booth after barely slowing down I simply Flung the money at whoever was there and kept Right on Pushin. Lol...I Did keep mine eyes in the rear view tho but again Luckily it was Pre-911 NAHMEAN? lol smh and I made the Get away. ;-) When I finally arrived at the hospital thats when the Reality of the situation set in and then the Nerves. My Sweat was Menopausal in its Likeness lolol...So as I completed all the necessary procedures to actually arrive at my final destination The Delivery room I First had to traverse thru its Corridor...I have NEVER experience ANYTHING as SCARY as THAT in my LIFE Yall! Lol...On either side there were Many women simultaneously giving birth...But the Kicker was that many of them were yelling in Espanol! AYOS MIOS! Ha ha ha...I was running to the room they told me my Lady was in like a white chick in a horror flick holding my palm to the side of my Face! Lol...When I got to my room I saw my sister who told me I was late and my lady had already delivered and I Missed it to which I gotta sheepishly admit I was kinda relieved. Although I TRIED RIGHT? ;-) I got to see my lady briefly before they took her to get stitched up and she left me with No worries as she told me we had a Healthy New Bouncing Baby Boy! OH YEAH! :-) But I had to see for myself and she pointed to where he was laying on the whatchamacallit lol...I approached with caution tip toeing even and when I got to him I took a Deep breath before I surveyed...Ten Finger, Ten toes everything in tact ~Smiles~ But what impressed me the most was this little baby boys determination to attempt to get up as if he was trying to say Cmon Dad lets get up out of here and Blow this joint. I held my two fingers out for him to grab and Grab he Did. I couldnt believe the strength this little boy had and I of course Knew I had a Winner and as a matter of Fact it was at That moment I gave him his first nick name Little Man Its been a Long time now since I called my Son little Anything because as he now navigates his journey on this gods green earth he has proven himself worthy of being addressed as nothing Less than A Fully Grown Man Happy Birthday Son! I Love you For Life!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:38:29 +0000

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