Year before last I made a promise to myself (no, not on new - TopicsExpress


Year before last I made a promise to myself (no, not on new years!) that I would try to be more positive and patient. I failed many times but I also apologized and did not give up. Anyone that knows me knows I have a temper and speak my mind. Sometimes that is ok but I knew I had to get control of it to be the kind of person I wanted to be. So Im still trying to improve. I just want to be a better ME. I know I cant change certain aspects of my life or personality, but I can improve my positive qualities. I know how much I have to be thankful for, my family has always been the best thing in my life. I thank the Lord for them. On a note into the New Year, remember that you can make changes in your life anytime, not just the new year and if you fall, get back up and keep on truckin! If you find yourself going back to your old ways, acknowledge it and start over. You will screw up, youre human but dont let that be an excuse to throw in the towel or beat yourself up. There is one thing it has taken me a long time to realize, dont allow yourself to feed off others negative attitudes, what others say about you is NOT who you are! You know who you are, do not let others define you. I have trouble making close friendships because people are intimidated around me ( I dont sugar coat much) and Im hard to read but I really do have a huge heart. As I continue with my personal improvements, my new challenge this year for myself is to BELIEVE in myself, sounds kind of corny but I need it. I have several goals I want to achieve and if I dont start believing in myself it will never work. I challenge everyone of my family and friends who read this to make a promise to YOURSELF, no one else, but to yourself to change or improve something in your life that you are not happy with. It is a personal change you want to make. You can tell people or not. Its your choice how you go about it but the only thing I ask is dont give up. I can almost guarantee that it wont be easy, but it WILL be worth it!! Love to you all.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 20:20:16 +0000

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