Years ago , I rode around the country on a motorcycle , earning my - TopicsExpress


Years ago , I rode around the country on a motorcycle , earning my way as I went . One sunny morning , passing through the corn belt I spied a sign that told of a race that was coming up in a few days . I followed the directions even though they took me out of my way and soon came to a high chain-link fence surrounding the most perfect oval track .Walking around the front , I found the place empty and locked up , but as I circled around the side , I found a small gate that was open wide. Having everything I owned tied onto the bike , it took me nearly twenty minutes to get it all off and pile it into a stack near the entrance. I remember the quiet that haunted the place, no traffic or building, just birds calling and the silent sun warming my black jacket. I started the machine and eased slowly around the course , looking for small cracks or potholes that would put a guy down fast. A few rounds added to my confidence and soon I crept higher on the wall with slowly increasing speed . Around the track I went , each round getting slightly shorter until the highest speed I would do was shattered by the appearance of a man sitting on the lower row of the stands! > I quickly slowed and pulled over to my belongings , ready for whatever would come. He got up and sauntered over , taking his time , no expression giving away his intent. Then it began " How,ed you get in here son ? " he asked me bluntly. I explained the whole story and found that he had sponsored the track as a businessman , and had come to check on his investment. I fantasized as he spoke that my racing ability would have somehow impressed him , but no such thing! He ended up being my boss for three months as I spent a wonderful winter running a wood molding factory , sleeping in quarters that were way out of my league and getting to know his red haired daughter !
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 12:37:45 +0000

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