Years ago... I was a teenager at a old-fashioned Tent Meeting - TopicsExpress


Years ago... I was a teenager at a old-fashioned Tent Meeting Revival, way back in the mountains of Sutton, WV. Our family went every year, and I have MANY great memories of those days. One memory specifically, I remember sitting in the back with a bunch of my friends. A Pastor got up to preach and said before I preach I want this young man to say a word. Up walked this young-(er)(ish) preacher to the stage. From the second he got near the pulpit he began to Let-er-rip! Im talking about, that place came unglued! It was evident that this young man had an anointing on his life. In that moment, I remember tears running down my face, my heart being stirred, and my eyes opened as God began dealing with my heart! Ill never forget, with tears streaming down my face, I looked at the people around me, and said, If God ever calls me to be a preacher, I want to do it just like that guy! The night ended, and I thought that I would never see that man again. Years passed by, and the day came when God changed my life, and called me to be a Gospel preacher! I moved south, and began Bible College. Many years have passed by since then. Today, It is really cool how God works things out. God is so good! I believe and have always believed that God is sovereignly in control of where I minister every week. Well, this week I just happen to be preaching for that ,Not so young anymore preacher that preached the house down under the tent years ago, Pastor Jonathan McNeese. WHAT AN HONOR & BLESSING! The moral of the story is this. You and I never know what God will do in someones heart in a service. The fruit may not bloom right before your very eyes at that moment. But be faithful and watch God tie things together down through the years to come. My prayer this morning is that I can be That man that 15 years later someone testifies of seeing something in me that changed their life! I say Glory hallelujah! Nothing like serving Jesus! I leave you with this... 1 Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that HE which hath begun a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:34:55 +0000

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