Years ago, I worked in an office in Branson. This incident - TopicsExpress


Years ago, I worked in an office in Branson. This incident happened when our older son was just a little guy. I had run to the grocery store on my lunch break to grab him some milk. Someone reminded me that I had milk in the fridge and I ran back to get it. In my hurry, I dropped the milk on the floor, a large crack developed and milk was spilling everywhere. I grabbed the closest thing I could find: the coffee carafe. It seemed like a perfect solution! It had a lid, there was a spout, it made wonderful sense to use it. Until I got home and poured some milk out for our toddler. There were dark chunks of old coffee grounds floating in his milk. As a non-coffee drinker, I didnt understand that some people felt things like a coffee percolator shouldnt be washed. I had no idea anyone in our office felt that way. Here was this gift I had to offer our son, a drink he greatly desired, and it was no longer fit for him. It had been contaminated, if you will, by what had already been in the container. (Sadly enough, I think he was on his second cup before we noticed it!) Our lives are like that, too. Something beautiful and innocent might come into our life and we may have a skewed image of it because of what weve already experienced. Perhaps its a new relationship- a new coworker who reminds you of someone else and you dont want to risk a friendship with them. Maybe its a church thats been doing amazing ministry, but because of something thats happened years ago, people question the motive behind it. It could even be something sinful that we have indulged in that makes us see something in a perspective that isnt as innocent as it should be. Check your heart. Of course we should guard it from evil. But we also need to be careful to love people, to forgive as God forgave us and keep trusting in him. We want to avoid bringing the muck and mire of our sinful past from weighing down the new creature weve become through Him. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:38:28 +0000

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