Years ago, even in the era in which I grew up, I was exposed to - TopicsExpress


Years ago, even in the era in which I grew up, I was exposed to and deeply involved in occult activity for a time during my mid to later teen years. The world was much different then than it is now in this age of obamanation. Witchcraft and satanic practices were not nearly as common then. There were things I was exposed to that if I went into a deep conversation many people would find me insane. And yet I witnessed them with my own eyes. The world of the occult is very dark and more evil than you can imagine. It was then and I am sure much more so now. Thankfully, I had a mother well versed in the Bible and God was with her to break the chains of demonic possession within me. I worry about todays youth. There is an entire generation that has been exposed to blatant and real witchcraft rituals through the form of Harry Potter books and movies. They are exposed to video games, right under parents noses, such as Goat Simulator that are blatantly and vividly openly satanic. They live in a society of obamanation in which we have a president who is not only antiChristian but also evil to the bitter core. A president that instead of honoring the one and only true God says we should honor all gods and particularly the god of Islam. A world pushing for not just one monetary system but also one religion. Is it any wonder why these teens seem to be more rebellious than ever before, absolutely not. This generation needs prayer, discipline, and Godly direction. The worst possible thing we can do is simply look the other way. By doing so, parents become a part of the very evil threatening to destroy our children, our nation, our moral fabric, and everything good and Godly, particularly in this nation which became so great because it was founded under God. It is time to be in deep prayer, be watchful and vigilant, and to take action.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 01:05:47 +0000

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