Yellow It was like a scene from a movie; making eye contact - TopicsExpress


Yellow It was like a scene from a movie; making eye contact with a stranger across a crowded airport. Typically, he didn’t go out of his way to talk to girls who looked as though they were out of his league. But he could feel the tug of the current, and he went with it. Yes? She looked up at him expectantly and he felt like an idiot. He didn’t have a single thing to say. She took out her earphones and the time between her waiting for him to speak and him coming up with something to say felt like a century. Is this seat taken? He gestured to the clearly empty seat next to her. She smiled up at him and shook her head. The earphones started making their way back up to her ears and instinctively, he blurted out “So where are you headed?” I don’t know yet. Came her answer. It was automatic, as if she’d rehearsed it. Don’t… know yet? Her eyebrows rose slightly as she turned towards him, intrigued with just a hint of annoyance. It didn’t matter, though; he had her attention as indicated by her phone being zipped into her purse. Yes. As a matter of fact I don’t know where I’m going…. yet. He couldn’t help but chuckle. She seemed so confident for a girl so lost. Well, do you know where you want to go? Anywhere but here. Her answers were vague. Just like her eyes, they just made him want to know more. So he pressed forward. What’s wrong with this place? Nothing’s wrong with it. I just don’t want to be here anymore. She angled herself so she could see him better. Their knees just barely touched because of how close the seats were but he didn’t complain. Her willingness to talk to him made him think she was either really nice or incredibly lonely. Silence followed. He knew he should’ve had something witty to say but truth be told, he was not really well known for thinking on his feet. A sound came from the intercom making that, and the typical sounds of airport commotion, the only words drifting between them for a few moments. Silence never felt so loud before. What do you do for a living? She asked abruptly, breaking the deafening silence. Excuse me? You were interrogating me just a minute ago. So I can ask you questions back, can’t I? Her responses were always right there on her tongue as if she could plan ahead. It was something about her that bothered him yet made him smile at the same time. Of course. I’m just a bit confused as to why you’d even care what I’d do. You don’t even know my name. It’s just… all you have with you is a single backpack. You don’t look like you’re about to go on a business trip yet you’re traveling lightly as if you are. Are you just visiting family or something? She had a point. Jeans, shirt, and a five o’clock shadow didn’t exactly say ‘I have a business meeting in Hongkong tomorrow’. If you must know, I’m currently unemployed and up until about five hours ago I was living with my brother. This backpack is filled with the only things I will ever need. Must be nice, she said after a moment. He didn’t exactly know what she was referring to at the time. His unemployment? The ability to freeload? His nomadic life? What is? The ability to just up and leave. No strings attached. Just you and a bag of necessities. It must be nice, is all. Isn’t that what you’re doing, too? Just uprooting and leaving? Not as cleanly as I’d have hoped. There it was again. The unharmonious silence that was indefinable in its nature. A sniff soon took him out of his thoughts and he noticed that the same eyes that drew him to her were filling up with tears that seemed to multiply the more she tried to wipe them away. I’m so sorry, she said as she began ruffling through her purse, digging around for what he assumed was a tissue of some sort. I never do this- Cry? He offered, apologetically. No… I mean yes but, this- She grabbed a napkin from her bag and began to dab at her eyes. -running away. I’ve always wanted to but I never could. Would you like me to leave you alone? No, she said a little bit too fast. She corrected herself and shoved the napkin back in her purse. I mean, I enjoy the company. I’ve been sitting here for a while. She was trying to recollect herself and he gave her time to do so. He wasn’t an expert on people of the female persuasion, but he knew when a girl just needed someone to be there. So he stayed seated, politely and a little concerned. I mean- She kept talking, assuming he was listening. He was. —I’ve just been staring at that screen looking for someplace to go but I just can’t seem to make up my mind. I only have so much money and I don’t want to make the wrong choice. He followed her gaze over to the screen she was referring to. It was mounted up on the wall above the security check point which stated the departure and arrival time of the flights. Another silence: this time, cacophonous. This time, the silence was his to break. So today, I woke up and realized… I’m not happy with my life. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a completely different person than I thought I was. So I walked into my office, gave my boss my two weeks’ notice about a week and six days late, and I packed. She was vulnerable. The least he could have done was make her feel superior in comparison to him. When she chuckled, he couldn’t help but smile; glad he could offer her at least the simplest of gifts. He kept going; he could tell she wanted him to keep talking. “I’m not judging you, by the way. For running away, that is. Otherwise I’d be a hypocrite. “ Are you judging me for other things? She was so snarky. What was with girls and their inhumane ability to confuse and yet intrigue men? Yes. I am. She looked almost disappointed and he couldn’t help but laugh. He was also a bit slow with the punch lines. You are talking to a complete stranger in the middle of an airport who looks like he’s a bum. Her laugh was almost as special as her eyes. Almost. You don’t look like a bum. Oh really? He was expecting a compliment. He really was. As usual, he was expecting too much. I think ‘loser’ is more of an appropriate word. Insulting someone you barely even knew. Bold, mean, and could easily be mistaken for flirting. So of course he laughed with her. As the merriment died down, he began to talk again. He didn’t know if he was trying to comfort her or assure himself. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. To start over… have a clean slate. Call me crazy, but to me running away is just choosing to take a different path in life. It’s not that you’re trying to forget about who you were. It’s more like… trying to make yourself a better person… putting the past behind you sort of thing. If that makes any sense. As an afterthought he added, That’s why I’m reserving all judgment. She looked at him as if had just opened up a door in her head. Smiling, she nodded. “I get it.” Another silence followed. This time it was sweet. And quiet. The way silence should be. Where are you headed? She asked, curious. There, he smiled, pointing at the city flashing on the screen. A cousin of mine lives there and says that it’s really nice this time of year. She stood up and he instinctively stood up as well. I think I know where I’m going now. She smiled at him and he couldn’t help but smirk once he finally got what she was implying. You’re going to follow a guy you barely know? Yep! Playfully, he asked. “And what if this is the wrong choice?” Then I make another. He leaned down to grab his backpack and, as if her irrational decision finally caught up to her, she sighed. He slung his luggage over one shoulder and tilted his head. “What’s wrong?” It’s just… She looked at him with pleading eyes. For once, she was lost for words. It was as if she wanted him to help her find them. I… I have a lot of baggage. He turned around and for the first time noticed the pile of bags that was stacked beside the benches. It wasn’t comically a lot, but it was enough to be a handful. Funny, they never would’ve even crossed his mind. He chuckled and picked up a yellow umbrella beside the stack which he presumed to be hers. It’s okay, he smiled encouragingly at her. I can help you with that. *** This is for you, my dear Mariel. I know I promised to not post yet another mushy birthday blog but I just can’t let your day pass without writing something…. everything. :) So yeah. A oneshot. :) Happy birthday, my yelli. ^_^ Here’s to another year of missed flights, mean fortune tellers and all the things we love. And lullabies. Sweet lullabies. :) Feeling all yellow and partying like it’s your birthday, Your skatey :)
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:14:10 +0000

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