Yep. Additionally, ... Discussion points like those are - TopicsExpress


Yep. Additionally, ... Discussion points like those are irrelevant and arent applicable regarding the killing of Mike Brown. Im saying this bc I keep seeing posts concerning black on black killings, riots, looting, Mikes alleged five-finger discounted cigars, and the like. I just wanted to suggest and ask everyone, especially my black and interracial Brothers and Sisters (but all my other ones as well), can we please keep focus on the ball rather than deflections and distractions? For example, 83% of whites are killed by whites -- white on white crime. Neither Mr. Nasheeds nor my presentation of stats here are relevant in matter of Michael Browns homicide by cop. What is relevant then? IMHO, to-date, the following is what bundles in that ball: 1. another unarmed black male teen was, by multiple eyewitness aaccounts, shot to death after he surrendered, 2. the shooter is a veteran Police Officer with 6-years of training and experience, 3. poor local investigation ensued, 4. lack if transparency and accountability, 5. not releasing Officers name until a week AFTER the homicide, Cops name (Darren Wilson) wasnt released until several hours south of one-week after the homicide -- along with a video implicationing Mike in shoplifting a small box of cigars (of which, cop had no knowledge. If he did, and Mike did steal some cigars, its not an offense punishable by death). Since cop didnt know about the petty shoplifting incident per his his Police Chief, releasing the unrelated video having nothing to do with the subsequent homicide simultaneously with cops name was intentionally done to deflect and distract with purely and strategically prejudicial intent, 6. not yet releasing the incident report (different from investigation report), 7. not yet releasing 1st autopsy, 8. a head prosecutor with a documented history of bias in favor of Police x23-yrs., 9. prosecutors Father was a cop killed in the line of duty by a black man, 10. prosecutor wont recuse himself dispite aforementioned obvious conflicts of interests (and then some that I havent enumerated here), 11. prosecutor controls what evidence is and is not presented in a grand jury to decide whether to indict cop in connection with Mikes homicide, 12. All legal elements of probable cause necessary to arrest and charge Officer without grand jury indictment are fully met, 13. prosecutor refuses to issue warrent for officers arrest, 14. MO Gov.wont replace prosecutor and assign a special prosecutor, and 15. Ferguson, MO PD, Mayor, county head prosecutor office on this case, law enforcement and related legal entities spanning North America are contaminated with systemic institutional racism leading, largely, to massively disproportionate killings and incarcerations of Latinos, African Americans, and other darker skin Peoples. Lisa Peart
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 07:19:56 +0000

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