Yep the authorities in most countries, most of all AMERICA are - TopicsExpress


Yep the authorities in most countries, most of all AMERICA are becoming totalitarian in their police state. The homeless of which, most of us are going to become in the future,... ( though I fully realize most must think I have lost my mind for making such a statement ) are treated like cancers in our societies,... so be very careful who you support in this issue and what your willing to tolerate in the unfurling military police state thats growing in scarily large ways right before your eyes, RIGHT NOW . I love the white haired 91 year old man in florida who feeds the homeless, regardless of getting arrested several times. He vows he will continue to feed the homeless,... whether they continue to arrest him or not. Thats the Christian ting to do. Lord grant me the courage,.... devotion and fidelity to standing for the truth and doing that which is right ,... even if every other living soul shrinks back from doing so. SHAME on the cops who arrested him for truly doing GODs work. While societies power brokers, politicians and policing authorities despise the homeless,... Jesus on the other hand, embraced them fully,....This is exactly whats wrong with the police state in this country. Far too many in law enforcement,....Ignorantly and blindly follow orders like automatons without a thinking brain. They give absolutely give no consideration to the FACT,..... theyre not fulfilling the oath,......the oath, they swore to uphold regarding the Constitution,... as well as that which is morally right. Sadly their actions are born out of politically expediency and a corrupt assurance of blue wall of protection that will rally around them most orten no matter how egregiously wrong their actions are. They were not mandated with just blIndly follow their supervisors directives,.... and then falling back on the default justification excuse,..... used by men under a hierarchical authority structure,.... from as far back as Roman mercenaries to Nazi Germany storm troopers to current American soldiers and police saying I was only following orders ,.....unconstitutional orders to be exact. Good Lord,....... plead with the Lord ferverently,.... to liberate you from the prison of your own bias s and blindness. — Gary
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:14:30 +0000

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