Yes, Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg. Yes, Mark is a - TopicsExpress


Yes, Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg. Yes, Mark is a Jew. No, I will not deactivate my Facebook account to protest war crimes in Gaza. No, people leaving Facebook will not benefit Palestine or harm Israel. Almost every image of a war crime I have seen from the ground on Gaza, I found on Facebook. While TV channels like Fox, CNN, BBC, NBC continue to parrot Israels propaganda and hide the war crimes in Gaza and act blind and deaf and dumb for the plight of the Palestinians being massacred daily, millions of people are ABANDONING the lying and deceptive mainstream media and getting their news online. On Facebook. On Twitter. The internet was created by the US military. So will you boycott the internet? Intel supports Israel and powers 90% of PCs. So will you stop using computers? Boycott products and businesses that fund and support Israeli occupation - but use your brain too. Facebook is a medium that is helping us bring the truth out to the world. For free. While Israel says it is fighting a war to defend itself in Gaza, another war is being fought online... on Facebook, on Twitter, on independent news sites and citizen blogs, on #socialmedia. Its a war of right vs. wrong, innocent civilians vs. military might, truth vs. propaganda, peace-loving people vs. hate-loving politicians and war profiteers. Thanks to brave citizens on the ground, courageous journalists and correspondents risking their lives, celebrities who value integrity more than popularity, artists-writers-poets-musicians who havent sold their souls to the devil yet... and most importantly millions of people from all over the world who cannot stand by silently and watch humanity being bombed to bits in Gaza... the true face of Israel and its supporters is being exposed more and more on social media. Read your timeline. Watch how the mainstream is now losing all credibility, fast. Notice how people who were made to believe Israelis were Gods chosen people and Palestinians were terrorists are on the streets calling for Israels boycott and trial for war crimes. Israel may be winning more land for its settlers but when it comes to people finding out the truth, Israel has already lost the war. OK - one word of caution is NSA - yes, I realize that anything I post online may be archived in a spying server and used against me later in life. But when you stand for truth and humanity, thats a risk you must be willing to take. I am. #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine #War #Peace #ICC4Israel
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 16:28:07 +0000

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