Yes, I am red hot about this utter BS political scene - TopicsExpress


Yes, I am red hot about this utter BS political scene today.... But, before I go any further, I want to address the Black Community for a second.....And for your ignorant mo-fos, YES I AM BLACK....AND YES I AM AN AMERICAN! I posted earlier today about a video that was posted on YouTube about Black Folks fighting each other....In all places....THE WELFARE DEPARTMENT! Now, for some people, that might not be a really big deal.... However, for us [including myself] who are concerned, Im going to make it a big deal..... Look, I just want to let people know in our community, that what other cultures see and stereotype Black People as being.....They assume we all are stupid, ignorant, uneducated, fools....Because it is based on our igonorant actions conducted by a few idiots.... Trust me when I say this....Because this has been articulated to me for years by people of other cultures, even cultures who are orginially from Africa, they say the same thing....Some only see or believe these crazy stereotypes based on our actions publicized by the Communist-Media, which is helped by the likes of Al Race Baiter Sharpton and others....Including those in power on every level of government.... Let me sum it up of what THEY think....This is not ME.....So dont get that crap twisted! The other cultures think that Blacks in America are lazy, dont want to work, cant read, cant write, smoke weed all day, make babies, leave their kids mothers and always complain about their living conditions....And blame their issues on the an(s)....The White Man or The Mexicans or The Republicans....Or believe they are entitled to everything because Black people have always been slaves and America owes us because of their past racism, Jim Crow Laws.....Wearing their breeches down to their ankles, tatted up all over the place.... Straight Bullshit.....MOST Black Americans arent like that....Our ancestors are turning over in their graves right now, because this is what they DIDNT want the future generations of their descendants to be and act like...... Hell, some of you who believe in the an(s) crap, dont even know that Blacks owned slaves too and treated them even worse than their owners did! Some of you are also probably blind to the fact that the 1st Plantation owner who owned Slaves Human Chattel was a Black man....One of the first 20 Blacks brought here to America, as indentured servants, from the West Coast of Africa in 1619! But, instead of searching and learning about the past through genealogy research on your own and re-creating the bond that Black American Family USED to have before the Civil Rights Legislation....Which by the way....Was voted down by Democrats....Our community not only went forward in advancement for a period of time....But now our community has moved backwards to the point where the Black Population is not growing in numbers like everyone else; but is decreasing in population.....Which is why we are NO LONGER the minority! Especially when the biggest killer of Black People is Planned Parenthood! Guess who supports them? The same people in power that wears the same color of skin that you and I wear, but those fools in power, are paid by the same segregationists who always wanted to kill off the Black Community in the first place! Remember Black Eugenics and the Tuskegee Experiment...... This isnt just about politics....Its about reality and its about damn time that something must be done....Otherwise, we are ALL doomed to our own self-genocide! Please, for those who agree, even if it is the small part of this post....Pass it around....Maybe it may make a difference to somebody....One at a time..... https://youtube/watch?v=jxyYP_bS_6s
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 02:08:49 +0000

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