Yes, I am up at 5:30 this morning. I am scheduled to be a - TopicsExpress


Yes, I am up at 5:30 this morning. I am scheduled to be a grandfather at 9:30 this morning. An amazing consequence is that my daughter is having a baby at the same time. Hmmmm. Exited. Woke up from a strange dream this morning. I was serving in Africa. But I may not have been me or at least not in my body, but certainly I was not in my missionary model of practice. I was in the field serving with a large denomination. Apparently I was taking over an existing office of an ongoing or recently failed mission start up that was being re started. I was finding my way around some buildings, several buildings actually, and meeting my new African Staff. I also, had some Americans in suits that were training me in their missionary ways. They knew nothing of the locals we were serving and frankly, did not think this was an issue. They walked around in their nice suits and ties and looked down on me for my jeans and open collar. The staff in the missionary office, local Africans, were a bit impatient with my lack of understanding of office procedure and my reluctance to assume my administrative task. I kept wanting to get out into the field and they kept wanting me to sit at my desk and look at papers. They did not seem to be aware that the offices were filled with lions. Roaming about and looking at me menacingly. In fact the lions moved around like pets and seemed annoyed I was there. They felt at home and I certainly did not. The staff kept explaining that my work was in the office and would herd me back into my quarters when ever I stepped out from the pristine office space of my quarters and into the African dirt and outdoors. Clearly, they seemed to communicate, I did not to understand my role. Then the men in suits came up. They began to drive me around and explain things to me that I know longer remember. They too seemed to be perturbed that I was not on board with the program. We ran all over the area in a very nice car and we had aids following us in other cars, all black, resembling those old Ford police cars from the 60s. Squared off, a little chrome, big and rocking up and down the dirt roads on suspensions far to squishy and soft for the terrain. We bottomed out and threw up dust trails and the leaders constantly complained. They seemed annoyed at the Africans for having such poor infrastructure. They kept looking at each other and rolling their eyes. Apparently we had been going around trying to execute their model. It had something to do with coordinating our efforts to get other pastors in the area to come to a big gathering that included a cook out. We finally got back to the mission office. I was excited as I saw grills and food set up by the staff and it was in such an abundance that I got excited as I thought we were going to cook a big meal and have over many of the locals. As I started to light the fires and set up the food the African staff became agitated as I was clearly not to do any menial work. They wanted me in my office. Just as I was going to explain to them that I loved to cook and wanted to serve, the men in suits finally noticed my efforts. They walked up with disapproving looks and scowled at me. They told me to put up the food and take down the grills. They informed me that I had failed in my attempt to carry out the missions first phase which was to invite the other denominational pastors over for a kind of kick off dinner. I was frustrated as I did not even know that was the plan. But what about the locals? Why dont we just invite and feed them, I ask. They gave me a condescending look. Clearly I did not understand missions. They shook their heads and turned their backs on me, got in their cars and left. Obviously I had disappointed them. Even the staff were whispering about my obvious short comings. After waking I guess it was certain I would think of one of my missionary heros. Gladys Aylward. She had a heart for China. Since she was just a house cleaner with no education she went around for months or maybe years trying to get someone to go to China with the Gospel. Finally her brother told her to stop bothering everyone and go herself. She began to practice preaching in the market and getting scoffed at and serving the poor and orphans. She enrolled into a missionary school where after a few months told her that her poor education and upbringing had denied her of the necessary skills to serve in China. She should return to house cleaning and just donate to some missionary cause. She did but she did not stop trying to find a way to China. She wrote to a missionary widow, still in the field carrying on after her husband died. She asked if she could join her and help her. Sure the lady said, never expecting anyone to every show up and help. Gladys worked and saved pennies every week. She cleaned houses for years on top of her live in maid job in England. Eventually she bought a train ticket, and rode for months, this was in the 50s or 60s. She was kidnapped by soldiers during unrest in Russia and escaped on a cargo ship and eventually got to China about a year later. She then walked for months to get to the missionary ladies house. The missionary was shocked she came. But glad for the help while being disappointing at the skills of her new assistant. In less than a year the missionary died in a tragic accident and Gladys was all alone. What next? You will have to read all about that for yourself if you are interested. WWII broke out and by this time Gladys was taking care of almost two hundred children. She had led the local Mandarin to Christ and planted many fellowships. The Japaneses troops advanced into her area decided to pursue her as she left her village with the children in her charge and again she walked for months with children of all ages including babys. They hid and evaded the troops. As the world watched the war breaking out in China and the invasion by Japan, they heard from the Chinese about a short little lady trying to save hundreds of children fleeing through the night, traveling for many miles trying to get to another country against unimaginable odds. The West learned she was a missionary and as the days turned into weeks on this journey world media began to follow the story and report the rumors of her sightings as she grew closer and closer to the border. International groups sent reporters and missionary agencies sent helpers to await her hoped for arrival. Finally, one day, ragged, dirty and almost starving they staggered into a border town. She had done it. The crowds roared, the cameras clicked. The children were scurried off for food and medical attention. A very happy missionary leader rushed up to Gladys and humbly congratulated her and praised her on her miraculous accomplishment. He wondered who this haggard old woman was. She smiled at him and asked him if he did not remember her. She then informed him that he is the gentleman that had her dismissed from missionary school years before, for being unsuitable to serve. Weeks if not months later, Gladys went home to see her parents. It had been a decade since the young house cleaner had gone off to China. Her parents waited for her at the train station as all the passengers stepped off the train and the crowds thinned. They were so disappointed their Gladys was not on the train. After everyone was gone there was only an old grey, Chinese woman standing alone at the far end of the dock. They were surprised when she approached them but perhaps she would have news of their Gladys. Of course it was Gladys. Her chosen life had cost her her youth and looks. She was no longer the youthful sprite that went off to China but now bore the effects of years of service in a primitive world. That is all I will tell you for now. If you are interested you can look it up and read a book. You can even see a movie. It was made about Gladys, and was nominated for an Academy award. She died in 1970. In the field serving the Lord among children. The movies is not very accurate in many ways but her part was played by Ingrid Bergman. It is called the Inn of the Sixth Happiness. Watch it if you want. I would rather you read about her life and like her, lay down yours for Jesus, right where you are. He is no fool, who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. Jim Elliot.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:10:55 +0000

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