Yes, I do have a right to curse and look down on him as bad as i - TopicsExpress


Yes, I do have a right to curse and look down on him as bad as i want to because this shitty and stupid king is a real decoy of the trap which has been set up by VN as well as his vampire mom is a bait with no problem and no sin at all. The traitor and dictatorship laws could not be applied on me. Do you understand that? Here is the reason why I dare to do that Dear all Khmer Nationalists and Compatriots: We could not afford to lose any Khmer people life and land to enemies any more. Please be acknowledged and do not get me wrong. I am not a politician, but I got to know how to chose the right leader. I could not support or neither vote for any leader who has never carried his/her words and promises, been a murder, cheater, traitor, crook, liar, betrayal, playing demagogy game and doing flip flop politic on people. To be honest to you, I could not trust that type of leader at all. It is very poisonous and deadly dangerous to our nation, children and country. The traitor Hun Sen is not a Buddhist or neither a Buddhas follower. . We could judge him by his action as we have seen after the election day, He has killed and harmed a big number of protesters and innocent people as well as Idiot king Sihanouk has been done, acting as the true king of Cambodian people and playing demagogy game in front of monks and folks in the past decades. Matter fact traitor Hun Sen and Idiot with his vampire wife name Monique are murders and have been used by VN as trap, bait and decoy to accomplish the Ho Ch Minhs invasion plan. So that we can see through the record this traitor and Idiot Sihanouk are not able to swim across the lake of Khmer people blood who have been killed by both of this both murders, teacher and student just like Russian dictator named Stalin cannot swim across the lake of blood of Russian people who got killed by him. Please be understood the first causes of the problem. We could not afford to lose any Khmer people lives and land any more to the the enemies through these both idiot guys. Please wake up all brothers and sisters and find the way to stop this traitor and remove his regime as the trap been set up be VN and Maoist China. Here is my open letter to some friends who asking me some questions regarding to the idiot king Sihanouk as follows: Dear brother:s and sisters: Thank you so much for your sharing the truth and kind understanding . Cold down every thing, would be fine. We are to love our-self and the truth first before any body else. To free our nation and country we are to love them from bottom heart and learn how to sacrifice how much we could do with no condition, not dependently with any leader or king. If something goes wrong, we get to know and stop it. not like we used to allow the leaders to do what they wanted to do in the past Up to today the history tells us repeatedly after the ruin of Ankorian Empire, especially The Trasak Phaem Dynasty members were really Idiots. They let the enemies take every thing and kill Khmer nationalist heroes just to save their throne and power. In the last decades Sihanouk has ruined and Destroyed our ancestors heritages and land. Up to today most Khmer people still do not realize this idiot king has left over his son and vampire wife to accomplish his testament to serve the Communist expansionist Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh s Plan. Yes, dear brother, you are right, no body could fake or exaggerate the truth and historical stories. . But time goes fast and events keep changing too quick. Well, we will see what we can do to respond to the calls of the insiders Khmer people. Stay in touch. Thanks khmerlotusrevolution
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 03:46:20 +0000

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