Yes.... Samdech monkey coward HunSen - TopicsExpress


Yes.... Samdech monkey coward HunSen cannot.....!!! អាស្វាហ៊ុនសែនក្បាលខូច មហាខូចរកលេខដាក់គ្មាន អ្នកណាក៏ដោយឲ្យតែចាប់ដៃបុងសួរជាមួយអាក្បាលពាលនេះ នឹងនាំចង្រៃដល់ខ្លួនជាមិនខាន... អាល្ងីល្ងើល្ងិតល្ងង់ អាឈាមថោកហុនសែន :::----- ICC Hun Sen?!! NosreyonlyGNies Thunchey from Danang OngKO CiTY : Hi ICC, AND All, many simple Cambodians and all others need to see the ICCS iron fist in her professional procedure to convict Hun Sen and his cruel team this year because it is too late for them to re-organize general elections in a non- free and fair elections as having stated by some NGO defending human rights in Hun Sens regime. It seems for us that it is too late for his illegal government to call excellent big investment to improve Cambodia economic because many young Khmer do not trust on his leadership anymore. Hun Sen and his team must be prosecuted as soon as p, then we hope that Biggest sins will be reduced a lot. Do you accept our views? With many thanks. Apr 17, 2014 04:05 AM Reply to this comment SoldatnonumberDeknogard U from Bangkok CiTY : Cher I CC ! Salut tout le monde, En ce qui concerne les atrocités commies par le gouvernment Khmer du Premier Ministre HunSEN, nous prenons fait et cause pour ICC dans la lutte contre des crimes dans lesquels énormément des Cambodgiens en sont trop marre, ennuyeurs. Comment les pays dèmocratiques laissent ces Cambodgiens victims survivre sous des leaders qui ne comprennent pas la douleur et des souffrances de leur peuple Khmer. Alors, ICC est à lancer des verdict ou des ordres darret contre ce PM HUN SEN et ses partenaires au plus tot possible, S il vous plait. EN TOUTE AMITIÉ !! Apr 17, 2014 04:01 AM Reply to this comment NosreyonlyGNies Thunchey from Beijing CiTY : All my dear, We really need you to resolve the Prime MHuns case on severe crimes against many victims in Cambodia. For us, it is not necessary to try to find missing Malaysia Airlines with strong smart 239 voyageurs on board. They miss you too, but cannot return back unless all others properties such as land or territory or missing soldiers died or alive return back to their original masters or origin owners. As told you, all of good peoples must bring HunSen and his special persons to ICC to be killed or prosecuted to death this year, All peoples must be grateful for each other, do not forget our veterans before and after WW1 or WWar2 or next. Do you understand what we mean? Regards, Apr 16, 2014 03:53 AM Reply to this comment TeaheanORTlekDeknoguard D. from CheyProl CiTY : Cher ICC, la plupart des Khmers y compris des gens immigrés au Cambodge attendent particulièrement pour voir la décision ferme faite par lCC en ce qui concerne des plaintes contre des crimes commis par le Premier M HunSen et des gens au niveau supérieur, on espère que tant que ces personnes de HunSen sont au pouvoir avec des crimes inhumains, lAvion Boing de la Malaisie disparue ne sera pas retrouvée, mais on voit que cet avion reste tout neuf avec ses 239voyageurs dedans toujours vivants sans aucun mort, They never die, This Malaysia airline still survive safely in deepest mysterious hole under biggest mountain in some where nearby CHiNA territory where no one is allowed to go inside. It is prohibited for all researchers to look into. Free World should not try to rediscover it. They are alive with excellent food or buffet, but are forced not to go out, they have to be silent like during PolPot regime from 1976-Jan 7, 1979. Merci vivement. Apr 16, 2014 03:34 AM Reply to this comment SoldatnonumberDeknogard UK from Londen City : Très chers amis et amies, nous sommes au Cambodge pour trois ans tout en voiyant des Cambodgiens discuter sans cesse sur leur vie quotidienne. La plupart dentre eux ne peuvent pas accepter ladministration du régime de HunSen. LICC est à arrêter ces ancien communists et les juget à mort ou pour toute leur vie. Cera une Victoire sans armes. Les victims de tous les domains au Cambodge. Les ICC personnels staffs seront devenus Héros du Cambodge. On lespère. Très sincèrement, Surpilotist Koksampov Pursat Apr 16, 2014 12:36 AM Reply to this comment TeaheanOthlekhDekathYeam WX from Oral Phnom : ICC must officially recognize what American lawyer SKLAR had looked into at several sources of informations on crimes systematically committed by Cambodian Goverment since UNTAC period of time in Cambodia. Cambodians are not unconcious. They are not waiting for thier deaths as happened in Khmer Rouge regime. They need modern materials like you in USA, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN ETC. If they have their own Prime Minister or President like USA PRESIDENT OR OTHER EXCELLENT ONES, these Cambodians have no more sins any more, WE THINK. Please, prosecute HunSen and his group as soon as p. Apr 14, 2014 09:17 AM Reply to this comment Athoun CHAVSrotobchek from Kenteu City : Hi friends, Happy Khmer NEW YEAR ! We were so happy to hear that ICC possibly convict Hun Sen and his team this year before his illegal government re- organize new general elections with possible same fraud or extra judicial system again with prolonging unfair negotiations. Etc. Do you agree on that tactics ? REGARDS. KHMER KROM CHILDREN, CAMBODIA. Apr 11, 2014 12:36 AM Reply to this comment Akhunpimoch Eylochlengkhov from Kundeangsvayrouy City : Hi ICC, IT IS GREAT FOR YOU TO START REVISING THE HUN SENS PRIME MINISTER CASE RELATHED TO INHUMAN VIOLANCE AGAINST HIS OWN SIMPLE KHMER WORKERS AND OTHERS AS STIPULATED BY HUMAN RIGHTS WACH OR OTHERS. Khmer folks are not happy at all this Khmer New Year 2014, because thier problems are not been yet resolved at free and fair procedure and suitable legal process. May be, they will never recieve excellent justices in all sectors in CAMBODIA. Regards, Apr 11, 2014 12:25 AM Reply to this comment AHochiKhabKhoch OUT from Hanoi City : Très cher Ami, énormément de personnes au tour du Monde est sur le point de passer leurs menottes au Premier Ministre cruel HunSen du Cambodge et ses Hauts Cambodgiens au niveau supérieur, mais ils nont pas le droit de le faire. Pour ceci, il ny a que ICC, je ne sais rien dautres, pourra les emmener pour être jugés en Europe. On espère bien que HunSen et dautres seront contents daller en prisons européennes. Quest-ce que vous en pensez? Amicalement ! Apr 09, 2014 08:51 AM Reply to this comment ANalhensunorAtompek from Florida City : It is great for the whole free world to continue the efforts to bring criminals against humanity and peaceful demosusation. In particular, in Cambodia some criminals still keep half illegal - half legal political power under Hun Sen Administration. When can ICC BRING HIM to be killed or prosecuted or can be what? Thanks. Apr 09, 2014 08:26 AM Reply to this comment Anhnocompassion WC Sen. from Phnom Penh City : Dear my friends, Hun Sen face ICC while his powerful men and women still continue to steal Khmer folks private lands, and other national items. They try to make money on thier own mountian suffer and pain. They are always above the laws and Khmer Constitution that guarantee Social justice with multiple political parties etc. But JUSTICE for Free and fair elections has not been yet resolved, unfair Top Politicians respectfully forced King to participate in without others elected by people. Not good at all. So, please, ICC must take urgent examination on Hun Sens done crimes as a white bird and tiger. Does ICC MAKE HIM CRY OR CRAZY? Chers Ami! Loiseau blanc et le tigre restent séparément.Ils ne se voient pas encore.Lors de leur rencontre, ce sera formidable.Toutes autres nations auront certes trop peur. Daccord? Oldest Khmers prediction become real now, We THINK. Apr 07, 2014 04:48 AM Reply to this comment Sisilingsararok Kull from Nightmarket : Hi all Friends, this I C C must dare to convict Hun Sen and his team before End of this year. Please, dont delay like Khmer Rouge tribunal TRIAL in PPenh. Très chers amis, A la suite de plusieuses plaintes par des avocats internationaux å la Cour Criminelle Internationale, nous sommes prets à courir à toutes jambes avant que Hun Sén et ses Cambodians égoistes, hauts fonctionnares qui lécoutent bien, mettent en oeuvre entièrement les ordres de HunSEN, quoi que celui-ci leur donne quelque chose de mensonges. Ses soubordonnés fidèles lacceptent avec plaisir et applaudisement très joyeux. I C C est à les arreter et condamner à mort. Ceci sera une Nouvelle Victoire pour les gens les plus vulnérables du Monde. Vous mettez-vous daccord? Mr.ICC, on vous prie de bien vouloir agréer les sentiments les meilleurs. Victimes des quatre régimes depuis des années 60 écoulés. Contactez nous à Tel: 855-11 88779996. Cambodia. Apr 04, 2014 12:41 AM Reply to this comment ASENKHVAMAKHAC HSoup from ATOUMUYKea City : From PreashSvarmey OWN, Paris City, Republic of France: My friends are happy to inform you that Hun Sen, his wife and others around him and her try to buy some places to possibly be hidden from arresting them by I C C soon for their severe crimes as stipulated by some NGOs in human rights missions. Hun Sen is too old enough to step down, to be dismissed from power. Please let other young strong professional from all parties concerned take care of Cambodia s property. Some other beautiful women like your girl friend PisethPilika, Khmer movie Start killed by may be your wife, Bunrany, always love you Mr. Bad strong man. Biggest good investments in Free World cannot make big business with your unfair Courts at all levels in Cambodia. Believe and agree ? IC C has to come soon to arrest him and his leaders with lowest national professional conscience. Thanks. Apr 01, 2014 08:43 AM Reply to this comment Goviskii from wwe city : From Monréal Québec, Dominique SAVCHEY YeYROM, My dear Cambodians and all,Dont worry so much about how many years I CC can convict Hun Sen and his big team as local tiger while female jungle tiger is eating, living in safe dark forest, hiding herself in order to wait for clear religion. When starting 4 directions lightning strikes, she will leave from the forest to eliminate Criminals and any crime as stipulated in our mind. American lawyers and others will take serious actions against Hun Sen in June 2014, hopefully. Sincerely yours, OTAWA CANADA. Mar 31, 2014 10:37 AM Reply to this comment Nicola Selarchimchab Henri from PARIS NANCY CITY : From PreashSvarmey OWN, Paris City, Republic of France: My f
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:15:36 +0000

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