Yes. Science IS God. God is Science. Not Theory Science But - TopicsExpress


Yes. Science IS God. God is Science. Not Theory Science But Factual Science. They are two different things. For instance All things being made of matter... FACT. The moon orbiting with earth to control tides. Theory. In other words a smart guy Guessed, By definition An Educated Guess. Yea I know. We have no idea why the moon is where it is or what its true purpose is or where it came from. We can better prove with math and science that the moon doesnt even exist yet we can look up and see it every day. The big bang is real... it was when God said let there be light. The Pole shift is real... It was when God Flooded the earth. New Quantum Mathematics Proves Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt That All Matter Has One Of Two Things : 1: A Conscience Being. Or Controlled By Something That Does And Goes Unseen To Any Naked Eye. Google (Double Slit Experiment) I dont believe God gives a shit about rich people having parties in his name to honor themselves while 200,000 children....CHILDREN. starve to death every night on earth. I really believe from what my spirit tells me that God Hates All Parties And Festivals Done In His Name Or Giving Thanks To Him When It Does Not Involve Protecting the widows of the world from the Tyranny of the State they live in that sneaks in under the disguise of protecting her while they dope her up lock her in a prison to be abused daily with mental & physical abuse to the extremes of pure neglect. The Visit the Imprison because even by our own admission only 2/3 of people incarcerated are actually guilty. Indians are not going to hell any more than anyone else who does not confess the Truth In The End Days. The TRUTH about everything evil or wrong done in the name of doing good or what is right. Protect the orphans whom are without mother and father as they are neglected daily in the homes owned by the state whom profits from dividing families or families that have divided themselves. Feed The Hungry whom are without homes as in the end days homelessness is like a conveyor belt that everyone is on. Quantitative Easing is a method used by the united states Gov right now to not allow the lose of all jobs at once. One layer of one social class at a time until all jobs a computer can do are put in place. YOUR job is not secure. Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty , & shelter the homeless. Return No Evil For Evil Thus You Be Made Evil. If someone throws a rock at you and you throw it back then which one of you could confess to not be a rock thrower? Religion is how Satan returns in these times. (the last 2000 years) in the name of the son of God to collect money , members , have parties ect ect ect. Meetings and meetings praying and playing church with no actions to do any of the things in which i have mentioned above that can not be denied. Dont take my word for it. Look up the TRUTH and you will find it for all things have been revealed. Anything Covered Has Been Uncovered and All Things Said Behind Closed Doors Are All Making It To This Mountain Top For The Whole World To See And Judge With NEW Eyes. There is a cure for Religion..... Hes Called JESUS, other wise known as JUSTUS or The TRUTH....Tell The TRUTH.... Live The TRUTH... Expose The TRUTH... The real Jesus will never be found on any mountain top or in any brick and mortar building... The Truth can only be found by looking inside yourself.... Where God IS... WAS... And ALWAYS will be. Inside YOU. Is it not written Ye are Gods? Did not Christ say you would do greater things than his miracles? The TRUTH LIVES. And that book is ALIVE..... HE is real....alive... And here on earth today as he has always been.... Seek The TRUTH...And You Will Find HIM. *JUSTICE* An American Prophet Divinely Inspired By The One True God Of Angel Armies. Son Of Christ : Reborn Jan 20 2012. In the middle of battling the separation of angels from demons in the most trying times of my life... An Honest Sinner..*J*
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:29:47 +0000

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