Yes! THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE - A beautiful sharing by Pastor Greg - TopicsExpress


Yes! THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE - A beautiful sharing by Pastor Greg Laurie to draw you near to JESUS. Read on for details. GOD bless you. Pastor Ben Soon. God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. —John 3:16 I heard a true story about a man who operated a drawbridge. At a certain time every afternoon, he raised the bridge for a ferryboat to go by and then lowered it in time for a passenger train to cross over. He performed this task precisely, according to the clock. One day he brought his son to work so he could watch. As his father raised the bridge, the boy got excited and wanted to take a closer look. His father realized his son was missing and began looking for him. To his horror, his son had come dangerously close to the bridges gears. Frantic, he wanted to go rescue him, but if he left the controls, he would not be back in time to lower the bridge for the approaching passenger train. He faced a dilemma. If he lowered the bridge, his son would be killed. If he left it raised, hundreds of others would die. He knew what he had to do. With tears streaming down his face, he watched the passenger train roll by. On board, two women chatted over tea. Others were reading newspapers. All were totally unaware of what had just transpired. The man cried out, Dont you realize that I just gave my son for you? But they just continued on their way. This story is a picture of what happened at the cross. God gave up His beloved Son so that we might live. But most people dont give it a second thought. How about you? Are you conscious of the ultimate sacrifice God made on your behalf? Will you be sure to thank Him? PASTORS INVITATION TO YOU TO ASK JESUS CHRIST TO COME INTO YOUR LIFE TO BE YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD IF YOU HAVE STILL NOT DONE SO: For anyone who does not know JESUS as SAVIOR and LORD still, delay no further. JESUS loves you. Pastor pleads with you to SAVE Your Soul NOW by surrendering your life to JESUS. JESUS has died for your sins and today invites you to turn to Him to receive forgiveness for your sins and to receive GODS Free Gift Of Eternal Life so your Soul will live forever with GOD in Heaven when you leave this world. GOD has spoken. If you would like to ask JESUS to come into your life to be your SAVIOR and LORD, you can do so right now. Pastor will lead you STEP BY STEP In Prayer To Say Your REPENTANCE Before GOD Now. GOD will hear you if you truly mean what you say. In true sincerity of heart and spirit before GOD, now say these words aloud to GOD in Prayer with your eyes open after Pastor: Dear LORD JESUS CHRIST, I believe you are the SON OF GOD and you are THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. ONLY YOU ALONE has been given all Authority and Power by FATHER GOD to forgive all my sins by the shedding of your precious blood at CALVARY. Thank you LORD JESUS for dying in my place to save me from the death penalty demanded by GOD for my sins. I believe you were buried, you resurrected in power on the third day and you ascended in Glory back to HEAVEN and is now seated in Honor on the right hand of FATHER GOD. One day You are coming back as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS to Judge this world. LORD JESUS, I hereby confess I am a Sinner before you. I repent before you by turning from my sin to GOD. Please forgive me for every sin I have committed. I humbly ask you to come into my life to be my SAVIOR AND MY LORD. I desire to submit fully under your Authority and LORDSHIP from now on. Upon the Authority of GODS WORD -The Holy Bible, I now claim your Free Gift Of Eternal Life and know that now my name is found written in The LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE in HEAVEN. Please help me to abide in you and in your WORD and to remain faithful to follow, obey and do your commands from this day forward. Thank you LORD JESUS for SAVING My Soul and giving me ETERNAL LIFE. I now know that if I will to die today my Soul and Spirit will immediately return to you to live with you in HEAVEN forever and ever. I pray all this giving you grateful thanks in your Mighty Name, LORD JESUS. Amen. Hallelujah! If you have in true sincere faith confessed this PRAYER before GOD and you mean what you had confessed, Pastor rejoices to Welcome you into The Family Of CHRIST. Wherever you are, Pastor encourages you to locate a Bible Believing and Bible Preaching Church that honors JESUS CHRIST near to you and ask to speak with the Pastor there. Let the Pastor know that you have ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST TO BE YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD and you would like to fellowship with the Church and to learn and grow strong in your new walk with JESUS. GOD bless you and keep you safe in His Fold always. Amen. Add me as friend if you would like to be ministered with GOD’S WORD here in our Church on Facebook on a regular basis. And come often to our Facebook Page so you may fellowship here and receive spiritual nourishment for your soul. GOD bless you. Pastor Ben Soon. COME AND HEAR: THE GREATEST VERSE IN THE BIBLE - JOHN 3:16 - Preached By Pastor James MacDonald
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:50:41 +0000

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