Yes, Were seeing it again, The same old Bullshit of American - TopicsExpress


Yes, Were seeing it again, The same old Bullshit of American politics. Do we remember all of the campaign promises from our Republican representatives ran on to get our votes, We damned sure do. Maybe Im blind or just plain stupid to see what our newly elected Republicans are doing to live up to their promises about removing Obamacare. Modifying the mandate for the required hours in the work week from 30 hrs to 40 hrs before your employer has to offer health care insurance just doesnt sound like they plan to dismantle and eliminate Obamacare to me. We already know that Boehner is a major stock holder in the health care system known as Obamacare and to abolish the health care Bill would be disastrous to his investments. I want to know just how many of our elected officials are stock holders in the health care system so we can get to the truth about the whole damn corrupt and unconstitutional bill. Im betting if we get the truth were going to find a vast majority from both sides are stock holders in this fleecing of the American public. We didnt transfer the balance of power over to the Republicans to further compromising and trying to make these corrupt bills more palatable and excepting to the public, We entrusted the powers to the Republicans to abolish things like Obamacare. We have to make it clear to the Republican party that they are not trusted by the people and their job now is to provide the proof that their ready to earn the peoples trust back again. If we dont start seeing positive changes in governmental policies quickly we must awaken to the reality that it will be on our shoulders to make the changes from now on.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 00:50:49 +0000

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