Yes all this is true my man was a miner in Scotland and from a - TopicsExpress


Yes all this is true my man was a miner in Scotland and from a long line of mining forefathers Thatcher went out to destroy them and shut down most of the Scottish pits just like the steel industry and car industry As I keep saying We emigrated because of her because it was either England or Australia thankfully we chose Australia and my man went to the pits there So Ill never understand Scots not wanting to reclaim whats theirs Surely the auld yin are not forgetting the hardships and of the constant fights in steel works and the car industry to get parity in conditions and wages with England and when they got nearer in parity Guess What their workplaces were shut down and moved south of the border Mind you in saying this the northerners in England also got it tough London and south of that were treated better
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:12:12 +0000

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