Yes, because God created the universe. Pronounce Everything The - TopicsExpress


Yes, because God created the universe. Pronounce Everything The verse (and then turned to the sky and smoke, and said it and the land Aútia voluntarily or involuntarily saying come obedient (11 of Surah separated: The explanation for that ({then ٱstoy to ٱsamae a smoke} any deliberately to create and intent to settle a body smoke Ibn Kathir said: and you want to smoke, water vapor rising from it when they were created Earth {said it and the land ٱitia voluntarily or involuntarily} any Astjiba for warrants Taúotain or Mltin {saying come obedient} which said the heavens and the earth came order disobedient said Zamakhshari: This is a representation of what he says he wanted configured not refrain him , and were the Kalmamor obedient if stated it is commanding obeyed, and the purpose portray the impact of his ability in Almekdurat is that there will be a speech and answer, and others like it that say: He said the wall of the nail did not Chgueni? Say: sales of Adgueni, and narrated from Ibn Abbas said: God exalted to heaven: Otalaaa Cmsk and Qmrk and Nujomk, said of the land: designed apartment Onhark and get out Hgerk and Osmark Taúotain or Karhtin saying come order Taúotain and favored by Ibn Jarir {Vqdahn seven Smoot in two days} any Snahen and excelled created them seven heavens in time estimator two days, and was created the heavens and the earth In six days, though willing to created them in a flash, but he wanted to teach slaves dream and patience {and inspired in each heaven its} any inspired in each heaven what he wanted, and what is in her son said many: any arranged in each heaven what you need from Angels and the things that no one knows but is {Xena ٱsamae ٱldnia lamps and preserved} any Xena first heaven near you, planets Mounira bright on the people of the earth, and the guards of the demons to listen to the public Top {estimating ٱlaziz ٱer} any that mentioned of creativity and innovation is the work of God, Aziz in his possession, Aleem interests created by {the turned away, tell Ondhirtkm thunderbolt like a thunderbolt returned Thamood} which is turned away from the faith after this statement, then say to them: I Okhovkm punishment tremendous and deadliest such as the loss returned and Thamood, and through the past to refer to achieve and receiving As stated in the verse ({is turned away, tell Ondhirtkm thunderbolt like a thunderbolt returned Thamood it came to ٱlrsl out of their hands and behind them} as well as the extracted RBC children of Adam from Oslab parents Vorteurhm uniting and testify against each other so Ibn Abbas said: Survey of God appeared Adam Fastkrj all people is the Creator to the Day of Resurrection. {And Ohhdhm themselves not your Lord said yes we have seen} any Orteurhm the Lordship and Oneness also came in saying (Taking Lord of the sons of Adam, from their backs their descendants and Ohhdhm themselves not your Lord said Yes, we have seen that tell the Day of Resurrection, we were for this oblivious) as well as Pronounce paradise the verse (believers have returned (1) who are humble in their prayers (2) and who are on the blahs are exposed (3) and who are zakat actors (4) and those who guard their chastity (5) only on their spouses or what possessed their faith, they are not to blame ( 6) It seeks beyond that, they are the transgressors (7) and who are the trusts and their covenant (8) and who are on their prayers keep (9) and the answer to these verses verse (those are Allwarthon (10), who will inherit the paradise they will abide therein (11) The answer it is not repeated, because he has stated first reverence them, and said here maintain understanding different {those are ٱllwarthon} any of those collectors of these descriptions venerable they Alagdiron inherit paradise {ٱlven inherit ٱlvrdos} any who inherit high heaven, which explode them rivers of Paradise In talk talk came as saying Mustafa peace be upon him (If you ask God Vsloh paradise, it is the middle of Paradise and the highest heaven, and from the explosion of the rivers of Paradise Dear Sirs and contented himself with this explanation to you and thank you. Hassan Continue?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:26:40 +0000

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