Yes but if a shop is out of stock of an item then it doesnt stock - TopicsExpress


Yes but if a shop is out of stock of an item then it doesnt stock that item, its that simple IMHO. At least give regular customers or ones that have shopped with ye before the option of hiding out of stock items, or does that not sound like a fair option? It would be better if the items were actually in stock but ye cannot always garauntee that and what are customers supposed to do in the meantime, wait and watch another 3 weeks of items being displayed out of stock ? Hardly seems logical now does it ? Because this subject has come up before and i have communicated with 2 of the 3 main HB shops here on the matter, i think i should clarify this is not directed at ### in particular and sould NOT be construed as such just because it is on this post. BTW nobody expects any shop here to stock everything that the UK and USA can, we just dont have the market for it and never will, however that is no excuse for laze fare attitude to maintaining proper displayed stock levels. Too often I search shops online and the same items are our of stock 3 weeks in a row. Stock displayed out of stock 3 weeks in a row does not give a good impression. ;D What i say below i say now as a general thought on all Irish online home brew shops not any single one in particular. The hide button is a customer option, it is not automatic. I am only looking at this from the point of view of a very minor customer,what other way should i look at it, however i dont see why a regular or semi regular customer should have to trawl through a multitiude out of stock items 1,2,3 and more weeks on the trot, its time consuming and irritating and TBH after 3 weeks or more of that i would not be going back to that shop again in a hurry, there are too many online options that do a better job of stock taking(not stock keeping ;D For example there is no point in getting in 2000 new products if ye cant keep a proper count of the ones ye already have. I shop online in USA,UK(admittedly not a huge amount)when i cant get stuff here( i always try Irish first) and Ireland is the ONLY country i have seen to be this piss poor at stock taking. :(
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 13:01:33 +0000

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