Yes campaign launches as pro-independence groups come together - TopicsExpress


Yes campaign launches as pro-independence groups come together The pro-independence referendum campaign launches today in Edinburgh as political parties, civil groups and businesses join together to unveil ‘Yes Scotland’. Yes Scotland will see the Greens and Scottish Socialists join with the SNP in order to try to encourage the people of Scotland to vote yes in the 2014 referendum. A host of celebrities including Holywood actors Brian Cox and Alan Cumming will be joined by Scots from all walks of life in a campaign that organisers say will offer broad based appeal. Yes Scotland has been billed at the biggest community based campaign in Scotland’s history, designed to build a groundswell of support for an independent Scotland. The campaign is also supported by a new website, Meanwhile, former UK Chancellor Alistair Darling said the No campaign would be launching in the summer. The Labour MP has been involved in talks with Conservatives and Liberal Democrats in the hope of forming a campaign alliance. newsnetscotland/index.php/scottish-news/in-brief/5042-yes-campaign-launches-as-pro-independence-groups-come-together SO AT LAST SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE IS ON THE POLITICAL TABLE SET AGAINST THE SCOTTISH NATIONALISTS IS THE FULL FORCE OF THE BRITISH ESTABLISHMENT FROM NEW LABOUR TO THE TORYS AND EVEN THE LIB-DEMS ALL UNITING AGAINST THE INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT LABOUR JOIN FORCES WITH THIER SUPPOSED ARCH-ENEMIES THE TORIES BUT IN REALITY THE LABOUR PARTY HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE TORIES PROXY IN SCOTLAND THEY HAVE ALWAYS IMPLEMENTED TORY POLICY IN SCOTLAND TIME AND TIME AND TIME AGAIN…….SO THIS IS NOTHING NEW Pact with Tories leads to all time low for Labour REMEBER THE LABOUR FEEBLE 50?….AND THE FEEBLE 41? AND THE FEEBLE 49? ETC ETC…. reallystopthetories-votesnp.webs/thefeeblefifty.htm JUST SHOWING US THAT THEY ARE INDEED ALL THE SAME PARTY WITH ALL THE SAME INTERESTS AND FINANCIAL BACKERS SO IS ANYBODY REALLY THAT SHOCKED? cuthulan.wordpress/2010/05/03/a-vote-for-labour-or-liberal-is-a-vote-for-the-tories-in-scotland/ THE ZIONIST LOBBY WILL BE TOTALLY AGAINST SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE AS WELL cuthulan.wordpress/2011/05/23/scottish-first-minister-supports-sanctions-against-israel/ ECONOMICALLY IT IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE FOR SCOTLAND TO BE INDEPENDANT THIS VIEW IS SHARED BY THE LEFT AND THE RIGHT View from the LEFT “LABOUR ministers were warned in a secret Whitehall dossier 30 years ago of the powerful case for Scotland becoming independent with booming oil revenues, but the information was kept confidential by Harold Wilson’s government to keep nationalism at bay. The dossier, most of which was written by a leading government economist in 1974 and 1975, sets out how Scotland would have had one of the strongest currencies in Europe, attracting international capital into its banks in the same way as Switzerland. It argued Scotland could quickly become one of Europe’s strongest economies with “embarrassingly” large tax surpluses.” View from the RIGHT “Adam Smith Institute, Friday, April 27, 2007 The Scottish economy could enjoy record growth if Scotland became independent, leaving the average Scot many thousands of pounds better off each year. This is the finding of a research Briefing Paper published today by the Adam Smith Institute, the free market economic think tank.” THESE FACTS ARE STILL VERY TRUE TODAY PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE/POST BY JOHN JAPPY FOR SOME VERY CANDID ECONOMIC TRUTH Before retiring, John Jappy was a senior civil servant in the Inland Revenue, working for the Accountant & Comptroller General’s Branch based at Somerset House in London. His duties involved liaising closely with Treasury officials to prepare accounts and financial information for UK government ministers. Would an independent Scotland be financially sound? YES!!! cuthulan.wordpress/2012/02/01/would-an-independent-scotland-be-financially-sound/ THE ECONOMIC DISASTER OF UNIONISM THE UNION DRAINS SCOTLAND OF RESOURSES , JOBS , ITS POPULATION AND CREATES AN UNFAVOURABLE BUSINESS CLIMATE PLEASE LOOK AT THE BRITISH ECONOMNIC MIRACLE ,COMPARED TO THE NORWAY OIL FUND!!.. OR SWITZERLAND ,WHO DID NOT JOIN THE “GERMAN UNION” AND WILL NOT JOIN THE EUROPEAN UNION. BOTH VERY WEALTHY AND NOT INVOLVED IN ILLEGAL WARS!!! HERE WAS OUR BRITISH ECONOMIC POSTION JUST BEFORE THE ECONOMIC CRASH 3RD LAST!!!! WE ARE IN A LOT WORSE POSITION TODAY!!! THIS WAS THE END OF A BOOM PERIOD!! WHO WAS GOING TO PAY THE DEBT DURING THE BUST PERIOD? PLEASE NOTE NORWAY OR SWITZERLANDS POSTION NOTE THE BIGGEST DEBTORS IN THE WORLD WHERE THE ONES THAT LIED US INTO WAR IN IRAQ Rank Country CAB USD, bn 1 People’s Republic of China 371.833 2 Germany 252.501 3 Japan 210.967 4 Saudi Arabia 95.762 5 Russia 76.163 6 Switzerland 70.797 7 Norway 59.983 8 Netherlands 52.522 176 Greece -44.218 177 Italy -52.725 178 Australia -56.342 179 United Kingdom -105.224 180 Spain -145.141 181 United States -731.214 [2] This is a list of countries and territories by current account balance (CAB), based on the International Monetary Fund data for 2007, obtained from the latest World Economic Outlook database (October 2008). cuthulan.wordpress/2011/03/10/the-rich-get-richer-the-poor-get-the-picture/ SINCE THEM WE HAVE HAD THE CREDIT CRUNCH AND AUSTERITY MEASURES IF ONLY WE WHERE LIKE ICELAND WE COULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! PLEASE NOTE THE ECONOMIC RECOVERY OF ICELAND UNDER INDEPENDANT SELF RULE DIRECT DEMOCRACY! INSTEAD ECONOMIC UNIONISED REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY(ELECTED DICTATORSHIP) cuthulan.wordpress/2011/08/18/democracy-2-0-progressive-iceland-and-dictatorship-2-0-oppressive-britain-the-difference-between-true-democracy-and-elected-dictatorship/ Who are the real subsidy junkies? Any lingering doubt that Scotland more than pays its way, or survives on subsidies, was dispelled by a new report published in October 2007. Whilst the Daily Mail, which by no stretch of the imagination could be described as a supporter of Scottish nationalism, devoted a whole page to the analysis of the report which was based on tax paid per capita as against spending, Northern Ireland received £4,212 more than it paid in tax, North East England £3,133, Wales £2,990, N.W. England £1732, South West England £978, West Midlands £931, East Midlands £185 and lastly Scotland £38. Only the South East corner produced a small surplus due to tax paid on the high wages within the city of London at this time (pre-Credit Crunch). Analysis It is no longer refuted that Scotland exports more per capita than the rest of the UK. In 1968 when I first discovered that Scotland was in surplus in relation to the rest of the UK, its exports could be broken down into whisky, meat, timber, fish, and of course tourism which is a huge hidden income. Those exports are supported by a population of only 5,000,000 as against 45,000,000 for the rest of the UK, quite a substantial advantage. With the oil boom, Scotland’s economy was transformed. Scottish oil has to date funded the Treasury with £300 billion, which has pushed Scotland up from 7th place in World Wealth rankings, had it been in control of its own resources, to 3rd place. On 29 May 2008, Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling admitted in a back-handed way, that Scotland’s oil revenue had been underwriting the UK’s failure to balance its books for decades. There is still 30 years of oil supply left in the North Sea (some 150 million barrels) valued at 2008 prices at 1 trillion dollars. This excludes the new fields being brought into production in deeper waters west of Shetland. Meantime whisky exports, which I listed in 1968 as one of Scotland’s top assets, have risen at a phenomenal rate. For example, whisky exports to China amounted to £1 million in 2000/2001, by 2007 they had risen to £70 million. They have continued to rise, although I don’t have more recent statistics. On the economies of Independence, Scotland has also 18 times its requirements in North Sea gas, which on current trading is more expensive than oil. The country exports 24% of its surplus electricity south of the Border, with much of the back-up by Hydro Electric unused. Even if nuclear is excluded, the future looks bright, the new Glen Doe hydro station on Loch Ness which was opened by Scotland’s First Minister last year can produce enough electricity for 240,000 homes. Further projects down the Loch which have now reached the planning stage will increase this to over 1,000,000 homes. Wind and wave energy will also contribute significantly in the future. No doubt as the time draws nearer to the referendum on Scottish Independence, politicians will do their best to distort the figures, but the truth is something that never varies. THE ECONOMIC DISASTER OF UNIONISM Guess Which Country Has Debt Of Nearly 1000% Of GDP… cuthulan.wordpress/2011/12/06/guess-which-country-has-debt-of-nearly-1000-of-gdp/ a study by Aviva and accountants Deloitte found that the UK has the biggest pension gap in Europe, with Britons needing to increase the amount they save each year to have a good retirement income. SO OUR FUTURE PENSIONS ARE GONE AS WELL THANKS TO THE BRITISH ECONOMIC GENIUS BUT ECONOMICALLY TODAY SCOTLAND OUT PREFORMS THE UK IT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER IF WE COULD CONTROL OUR OWN ECONOMY AND RESOURSES Scotland outperforms UK in jobs market Official statistics published today show a strengthening of the Scottish labour market, as unemployment across the UK as a whole rose above 2.5 million. Among all the nations and regions of the UK, Scotland is the only place where unemployment fell in the latest quarter, May-July 2011. newsnetscotland/index.php/scottish-news/in-brief/3181-scotland-outperforms-uk-in-jobs-market.html EVEN CHINA AGREES THAT AN INDEPENDANT SCOTLAND WOULD HAVE A BETTER FUTURE THAN A DEBT RIDDEN CORRUPT (DIS)UNITED KINGDOM
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:04:00 +0000

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