Yes depression is real and is a problem in varying degrees for - TopicsExpress


Yes depression is real and is a problem in varying degrees for anyone suffering from the human condition! BUT, this author certainly hasnt done enough research to understand what the important myths are surrounding it. From the article- ...depression is a serious medical condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, people with depression actually have physical differences in their brain, and neurotransmitter and hormone imbalances that determine their condition.... This is a misleading, fraudulent statement of self promotion often encountered from the medical establishment and psycho pharmacology, I think motivated by an urge to monopolize the mental health field. The evidence is only suggested by spurious marketing oriented junk science that such physical/ emotional associations necessarily exist. When they do, only correlations are seen, not cause-effect relationships that determine their condition. There is no more validity to the authors statement than the assertion that people with spring fever necessarily have physical differences in their brain, and neurotransmitter and hormone imbalances that determine their condition. __________ ...Medical diagnoses are real. When you learn you have pneumonia, diabetes or even cancer, you quickly discover that there are potential remedies. There are scientific tests and studies to diagnose the disease and to evaluate its treatment. Medical diagnoses dont demean your mind and your soul, they describe your bodily impairments. Psychiatric diagnoses are not genuinely medical; they are not based on biological defects or disorders. There are no objective tests. They are not about the body; they are about the mind and spirit. The medical aura that surrounds psychiatric diagnoses give them a false validity. Psychiatric diagnoses are not rooted in science but in opinion.-Peter Breggin,MD(psychiatrist) There are workable non-drug alternatives to the mainstream of psychiatric treatment, less profitable to the so called experts and drug companies, or not at all- I believe a prime motivation for their censorship by mainstream media, and every level of government. The medical profession should be promoting differential diagnosis of psychiatric oriented symptoms, and disciplining psychiatrists/other physicians who neglect it, to the point of revoking their licenses. The only reason Im still here, and many others beginning to speak out, is noncompliance. ---- ...Psychiatrists routinely do not inform patients of non-drug treatments, nor do they conduct thorough medical examinations to ensure that a person’s problem does not stem from an untreated medical condition that is manifesting as a “psychiatric” symptom. They do not accurately inform patients of the nature of the diagnoses, which would require informing the patient that psychiatric diagnoses are completely subjective (based on behaviors only) and have no scientific/medical validity (no X-rays, brain scans, chemical imbalance tests to prove anyone has a mental disorder). All patients should have what is called a “differential diagnosis.” The doctor obtains a thorough history and conducts a complete physical exam, rules out all the possible problems that might cause a set of symptoms and explains any possible side effects of the recommended treatments.-CCHR The stigmatizing of mental ills comes from broadly proclaimed psychiatric concepts and assertions about very real problems. But not from the problems themselves. This author, and many others, need additional study. Such as: DIAGNOSTIC & STATISTICAL MANUAL: PSYCHIATRYS DEADLIEST SCAM An elaborate pseudoscientific sham... It’s 943 pages long and lists out 374 mental “disorders.” It is the basis for the listing of mental disorders in the International Classification of Diseases that is used throughout the world. And though it weighs less than five pounds, its influence pervades all aspects of modern society: our governments, our courts, our military, our media and our schools. Using it, psychiatrists can enforce psychiatric drugging, seize your children and even take away your most precious personal freedoms. It is psychiatry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and it is the engine that drives a $330 billion psychiatric industry. But is there any proof behind the DSM? Or is it nothing more than an elaborate pseudoscientific sham? From the makers of the award-winning documentaries Making a Killing, The Marketing of Madness and Dead Wrong, comes the shocking truth behind psychiatry’s deadliest scam. - We are one of the first support groups ever out there for those on these meds and are currently beefing up our site to accommodate more ways to help those in withdrawal or just wanting to know more. We are at There are also groups here on Facebook as well: Prescription Drug Dangers, Cymbalta Hurts Worse, Effexor Should Be Banned, etc. Which drug(s) are you interested in?-Ann Blake-Tracy- -jim keiser, pg admin, Mental health/psychiatric watchdog & reform activity, https://facebook/jpkeis
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:56:51 +0000

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