Yes, he profited to the tune of 4.5 billion dollars..Very lucky - TopicsExpress


Yes, he profited to the tune of 4.5 billion dollars..Very lucky indeed..Seeing as he was going to have to spend billions removing asbestos from all 3 buildings.. Also while the government was busy keeping the public unaware that there was a third tower that went down, he was later caught on tape saying he told them to "pull" tower # 7... There`s also proof that just 20 minutes AFTER England had ALREADY reported tower 7 had fallen that`s when tower #7 was "pulled".... How many psychopaths were in on this? ... ALL FACTS my friends, NOT conspiracy theories, look up the facts for yourself, then perhaps you`ll reach the same conclusion I & many others have..Just ask yourself after you hear Silverstein say he told them to "pull" #7, how did THAT building become loaded precisely with explosives & why wouldn`t the twin towers have been as well? Maybe you just found it ODD how perfectly they fell, but were you aware they burned like molten lava for weeks afterwards, spewing steel into the air like a fountain..? also...And if you DO believe the towers were ALSO " PULLED" they did so with full knowledge they were still filled w/ fire fighters & police officers, trying to rescue those trapped inside.. When you put it ALL together & realize, they did it for one reason & one reason only; to raise the body count & to OUTRAGE Americans to want those who committed that crime to pay for it, no matter the cost..Is that why people aren`t willing to critically look at evidence that points to our government?? Look up the video when President Bush is first told about the attack.. How he sits there utterly petrified, like a deer caught in the head lights.... I found Bush`s body language & reaction highly suspect when I first saw Ferinheit (sic) 9-11.. Why did P. Bush LATER claim he first found out about the attack when he SAW a plane hit the tower, "in the class room"? That footage of the plane hitting the tower was not shown for hours, nor was it ON, in that classroom, (as witnessed on the film)..Did the people behind the 9-11 attack film the first plane & show it to P. Bush BEFORE he entered the classroom that day?.. Was he told, " it`s all been set in motion now, see it"?? Why did he say he "SAW it" BEFORE he was "TOLD" about it..That`s not the kind of blunder anyone would so carelessly make.. Not when you`re talking about the President of the United States, and what happened on that terrible day, to me that`s just another piece of evidence to piece together the truth with .... I remember EXACTLY the moment I saw the footage & found out about the attack, I will NEVER forget it.. I bet so did President Bush.."REMEMBERED",that is, that`s why he said SAW rather than TOLD....But we weren`t supposed to put 2 & 2 together & come to the conclusion that 9-11 was our government declaring war against America & it`s citizens that day...They are cowards, not declaring war openly to our faces, but striking at us like thieves in the night...These are not the patriotic men & women who had a vision of a free & just America, these are big rich bastards who have been sitting around plotting & scheming world wide domination with greed & a psychotic need to have it all, at any cost ....I shudder when I wonder what those who have infiltrated our government have next on it`s agenda, & how they plan to use us to carry it out...John F. Kennedy warned us about the government just 7 days before he was murdered, yet all these years later we still don`t know what REALLY happened because were waiting on the government to tell us... Don`t let the government keep spoon feeding you your information & sum up facts it can`t explain by laughing them off as conspiracy theories with no merit.. They did not get away with the perfect crime & they know it, there are video accounts of people who were there who saw no bodies or debris after the pentagon attack...Bombs going off in the towers, there are too many actual facts supporting a conspiracy than a terrorist attack.. The terrorists passport that was found a block from the towers in perfect condition.. Come on, who`s naieve (sp?) now??..They think were too stupid to see the truth when it`s right in front of our face, but obviously their still worried a few of us will wake up those who sleep that`s why they`re spying on us...Because the government SAID they investigated 9-11 everyone has just considered it a closed case..? Remember how you felt that day, & look at the evidence again....Would we have left Hitler to investigate the disappearance of the Jews, knowing ALL the facts??They are controlling the media & everything you think & believe.. PLEASE people, THINK for yourselves, get proactive, question everything & WAKE UP soon..I don`t expect this to remain up for long, I expect it to go the way of the last one I posted a week ago... Call me crazy, or think me insane, I can`t get the horrible way all those people died out of my head.. If only one person checks it out for themselves & opens their eyes to the truth, that`s one more American who may help win the battle to free our country from these tyrants & murderers that now control it..
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 04:10:02 +0000

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