Yes, its another opinion on the Ray Rice scandal. The first - TopicsExpress


Yes, its another opinion on the Ray Rice scandal. The first thing I want to make perfectly clear is that hitting anyone, man, woman, child, or animal is wrong. PERIOD. Lesson one learned in kindergarten is keep your hands to yourself.. Putting the two videos together we see two drunk individuals who are obviously involved in a heated argument that leads to the female slapping, elbowing and spitting into the face of the male. He retaliates by a left hook to the side of her head causing her to strike the railing in the elevator which rendered her unconscious. I am a diehard Ravens fan, hell I bleed purple. I believe the Ravens had no choice but to release Rice after the second video conveniently became available two days before a nationally televised game and three days before Rice was due back to the team and its facilities. I believe that Rice damaged his relationship with the Ravens by lying to them during the investigation, As a former player said recently, theres two things you do not do in the locker room........DO NOT LIE and DO NOT STEAL. With that being said I do not believe that Rice should be banned for life. Rice needs to get away from the limelight and focus on the most important part of his life.........his family. Each and every one of us have screwed up, some more than others. I personally ask for forgiveness of my sins every time I say my prayers. I believe every one should be given a second chance. My biggest issue with this whole situation is the way the media and public opinion have treated this incident of domestic abuse. Ray Rice had no record, a long list of volunteer and charity work, and a wife who publicly spoke on his behalf. Every day in this country a man walks into a courtroom and has done the same if not worse than Rice. That same man walks out with a probation before judgment and continues on with his life. Counseling sessions required? Most likely not. Domestic violence has been happening for a great number of years. Its the court of public opinion that has decided Rices fate. Theyve pushed the NFL and United States Court system right out of the picture. Suddenly, because a tabloid paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a casino that is no longer in existence for a security tape, America cares. Do you care when its your neighbor getting her skull bashed against a floor? A bloody nose because his dinner was cold? Wake up and start caring for your friend who gets called nasty names by her husband or the cashier at the local mart who got the broken arm by falling down the stairs. Dont sit at your computer and act concerned over Janay Rice when youve been ignoring the entire issue until this security tape popped up. Ive done a bit of research and found that since 2000 there have been 83 cases of domestic assault against NFL players. Other than the Ray Rice incident how many can you recall? Or name the NFL player?? 1? 3? 0? My bet is closer to the 0. How many of those convicted came back and played within weeks of their conviction or plea deal? The vast majority did. I am willing to bet that there is at least one abuser sitting in the locker room of each and every football team. Janay Rice has chosen to stay with her husband. Who are we to judge? I feel her pain in having to relive a moment in time that was not her finest hour. Nor was it her husbands. Have you ever awakened and wished the events of your past were just a dream? or a nightmare? She has to live with this the rest of her life. America has made sure of that. I guess this time next year we will be reminded that one year ago today...... Ok, I could go on for another ten statuses but its time to wrap it up..........Rice was completely wrong in lying to the Ravens and punching his wife. He needed to be released by the Ravens. Rice does deserve to be suspended at least 6 games in my opinion. But I do feel that after a hiatus of sorts that he does deserve a second chance. Good luck Ray, its going to be a long slow, process but I pray you and your family get the counseling and love you deserve.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 04:58:32 +0000

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