Yes, its minority rule in Fiji where corruption, bribes, lies and - TopicsExpress


Yes, its minority rule in Fiji where corruption, bribes, lies and land theft is the order of the day under Bainimaramas puppet rule. Every sane Fijian knows that the elections are not being played on a level playing field and that the results more than rigged in Bainimaramas favour. All supposedly master minded by his devious, lying and corrupt illegal AG Khaiyum junior. But Khaiyum junior is not the brains behind this evil movement to usurp power and to rob and rule Fiji. Unfortunately those who have worked with him before all know that he is no leader or master mind! The power behind the evil movement are a group of vile conniving men and women. One of which is running away to Geneva before the elections. Her sister Shaista Shameem resides safely, for now, in New Zealand, where the incompetent Foreign Minister and Prime Minister have become host to Fijis military thugs who took part in the torture and murder of Fiji citizens. This has surely tarnished the reputation of NZ amongst its Pacific neighbours and in deed those Fiji citizens who are unable to help themselves during this past years living under oppression. Intimidation and fear is real in Fiji but this, according to NZs Foreign Minister McCully is all part of holding free and fair elections. What a load of rubbish! An elderly indigenous Australian woman commented to me, after the recent mothers day Church service, that the problem these days, she feels, is with the useless politically correct diplomacy and the sissy politicians and government advisers who place the rights of the few criminals over the rights of the innocent majority. This comment took me back to my youth and to an episode of star trek where Mister Spook gives his life to save his ship and in the process says that logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Food for thought!..........
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 01:13:08 +0000

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