Yes its true i have a bugatti! The truth told with a bad intent - TopicsExpress


Yes its true i have a bugatti! The truth told with a bad intent is worse than a lie. Not everthing we read or hear is true but with a bit of truth it starts to sound true, right? Many of you dont pay attention to the finer details to alot of important things in life. The subliminal mind! and perception is usally linked to mind control any thing that sends you an underlying message to your subconscious mind without your knowledge of it doing so. Mind control is where an individual or a group of people can be controlled without thier awareness, its perception below the persons or groups threshold its also the idea that people can be made to do belive, relay info or say things they would not ordinarily have done. (Cane). These subliminal messages are not easy to spot or hear a good example is popular brands or logos or media houses like the ones below they communicate to you with out your knowledge. Take time. Anyway long and short. The bugatti you have just seen is real and it has dubai plates but take time and think would you ship such an expensive car.? I would fly it? Emirates does not export cars with its local numbers it has to be deregistered before export. For those of you that dont know, the plate alone is worth a few 100s of millions ugx. The background looks like mombasa but its a car wash in sharjah in the Emirates all the cars in the background are left hand drive? So yes we sometimes belive alot, with out taking time to think it through or being analetical to the underlying messages. Learn to control your mind, just like you control other parts of your body, not to mention your mouth. Firstly I never said I have, own or have imported a bugatti. Some critics call you names and stories are said to define you. But are so far from the truth. They look good from far but are far from good. So its not true that there is a bugatti in East Africa. As for my Haters! You only push me to the next level and as Americans say any publislity is good publicity. Good or bad. You keep me relevant. Alot has been said about me that is not true but that has never and will never faze me, whoz behind all this? you will soon find out the TRUTH. P.s Am not looking for sympathy just being me. I know you all have these burning questions kindly be patient the day is coming when, I shall be answerable to you all and not to only you. I think I have demostrated how easy it is to mislead the public though I know some of you will still get it twisted. Be carefull as rushing to belive anything in any form of medium or media, there is always two sides to a story. In Luganda tosala gwa kawala nga tonawulira gwa kalenzi. #keepyoureyrsontheball #lifeinthemediaworld #haterwillalwayshate #socialmediathebeast And as for my bugatti I bought the toy car version and its on my office desk. Off to church have a blessed Sunday what a relief!!!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 05:19:51 +0000

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