Yes ladies and gentleman Republicans AND Democrats believe this - TopicsExpress


Yes ladies and gentleman Republicans AND Democrats believe this ballot measure is crap! Vote no on 90! If you are paying attention in politics today, it’s impossible not to be frustrated. Congress gets less than nothing done. Our school classrooms are overflowing with kids (except when they’re closed, because our school year is too short). We’re working more, making less and yet barely getting by. While that’s the case for most of us, there are others who seem to be doing pretty well. Nearly all the gains in our “economic recovery” have gone to the richest 1 percent, and corporate gains continue to skyrocket. How do they do it? Corporate profits keep climbing because they’ve been changing the rules of the game: Cutting corporate taxes, creating loopholes, cutting our wages — anything that helps them turn a bigger profit. Now they’re pushing Measure 90 in Oregon to try to change the game all together. Measure 90 would dramatically change our election system to make it easier for moneyed special interests to elect candidates that support their narrow agenda. The backers of Measure 90 believe that a system that limits choice in our November general elections will allow more special-interest candidates to win. Measure 90 blocks candidates from the ballot in November by creating a “Top Two” primary where only two candidates can advance. This system in other states has proven to mostly help those candidates with the most money. In “Top Two” primary states, special interest-backed candidates are spending millions in low-turnout primaries to buy their way onto November elections and block out other more diverse choices for voters. This is why Measure 90 is a top priority for groups like Associated Oregon Industries and other business lobby groups — they see a new “limited choice” system as the only way to advance their agenda. If the intended consequences weren’t bad enough, the unintended consequences of Measure 90 are perhaps worse. The poorly written measure does a lot more than just limit November election choices. It appears to get rid of write-in votes; it allows county commissioners to replace legislators for office with no regard to party; and it could eliminate our general election altogether if a candidate gets more than 50 percent during the primary. When the state Citizen Initiative Review Committee voted 14-5 to reject Measure 90 in its public process this summer, the committe cited the measure’s numerous flaws as the one main reason it opposed Measure 90. In response, the broadest and most diverse coalition in Oregon has formed to oppose Measure 90. Teachers, nurses, firefighters and police officers have all joined in opposition. The major parties — the Democrats and the Republicans — strongly oppose 90. So do the Progressive Party, the Pacific Green Party, the Libertarian National Committee and the Constitution Party. Faith leaders, many small businesses — nearly every sort of group you can imagine — are working to defeat Measure 90. This coalition supports election reform that brings more voices to Oregon elections — more opinions, more voters and less special-interest money. That’s the exact opposite of what Measure 90 does. Please join us in voting “no” on Measure 90. Meghan Moyer is the campaign manager for Protect Our Vote, which is seeking to defeat state Measure 90.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 21:29:08 +0000

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