Yes, that 80% comes from within you... Its buried in our DNA... - TopicsExpress


Yes, that 80% comes from within you... Its buried in our DNA... Our genome knows the truth because our Ancestors made it so... The conditioning was unparalleled to anything this world has seen before or since... But dont believe for one minute that Our Us... Our We... Ancestry...The first to walk this Earth werent prepared... They left the clues to our salvation.. To our liberation...Knowing that in due time we would Arise... That is the Awakening they fear (Their Armageddon).. That is the Arising of a new Sun (Their Apocalyptic Son ) Will be exposed.... And the Meek will most definitely inherent this Earth... As soon as we open our Eye & part ways with this hell that we have become accustomed... This is our current situation... Babylon is all around us 360°.... But the Nucleus (self) is preparing to explode with the wealth of knowledge that is being exposed... It has zero choice... The lie can no longer sustain itself in its current form. So it will have to expose itself in order to take new form... And the Awoke will transcend from bondage to the truest form of freedom allowed of the flesh... (Knowledge of True Self)... And we will return to our rightful place on the precipice of a Spiritual plane in a Castle constructed from the Most high in the company of the truest Trinity ever known to US... Consisting of the God in Us... Man... (Womb)man... & Child...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:47:08 +0000

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