Yes the Asokans did it. In their centenerary year - TopicsExpress


Yes the Asokans did it. In their centenerary year the ASOKANSundertook the task of equipping a dialysis center serving the poor and needy with three dialysis unit complete with all requiste equipment and other parapernalia in the august presence of R W Bro Arvind Prasad Chitra,R W the RGMSI,W Bro K.A.Ramakrishnan, ARGM,Governeor of the Lions movement Lion K.S.Kannan,Chairman of the dialysis center Lion N.R Danapalan and a galaxy of masons,their ladies, Lions and gentlemen in our auditorium. W Bro V.Ravinder the W Master of Lodge Asoka No 93 in his own poetic style introduced one by one all those who hadmade the dream come true by their efforts and finances.Such was the involvement of the Brethren that they even convinced thier printer to chip in his might.All donors were honoured with a momento.Bro C.S.Hariharan acted as the Master of ceremony and Bro PKC Ramesh a major donor who had chipped in Rs 6,00,000/- of his personal resource proposed the vote of thanks.RGM, ARGM,W Bro S.Srikant a PM of LA No 93, and the other dignitories on the dias addressed the gathering. It is a good project serving the poor and needy at large in the heart of the city.It is note worthy that Mrs Prabha,wife of a Mason Dwarak Kumar conceived the idea and convinced her husband and Brethren of LA No 93 to see it to be a memorable project for the years to come.Lions and Masons have come together to help the poor and needy. A very good joint effort.God Bless All. Glimpses of the event sent for your viewing pleasure.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:24:37 +0000

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