Yes, the new year is about period of growth. We will see our - TopicsExpress


Yes, the new year is about period of growth. We will see our hearts growing bigger as we enter the new year, forgiving the people who have hurt us in the past and making it a fresh start with much enthusiasm and positive attitude. There may also be gifts coming to us in the first quarter of the year, it may be our acknowledgement of the lessons from our past experiences or some physical gifts but all in all a very positive outcome of the situations from the past. Things may seem a bit slow in the beginning but as we hit the mid February, things will start to move quicker. Be patient and remember to go with the flow. The second quarter (April to June) will be about finding our true strengths and making sure that we stand in our power. Do not let the dramas around you affect you. Some of us have been hermits for a while, hiding who we truly are within and this will be a period of shining our lights and come out more confident, be comfortable with who we are, in our own skin. Do not look for approvals to be yourself. The third quarter will be a period of truly acknowledging who we are. Once we acknowledge our strengths, gifts and reality, people around us will also start acknowledging and respecting us. The last quarter tells me that we will rise above all our hurt and pain and will be a completely different state than we began in January 2015 - much more aware, conscious, evolved and powerful beings. how does it get any better than this?
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 11:53:29 +0000

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