Yes, there is such a thing as going to the well one too many - TopicsExpress


Yes, there is such a thing as going to the well one too many times. Finally, some good news on the Barack Obama fundraising tour front: President Obama hit the Bay Area for a fast cash-and-grab fundraising drive Wednesday, but there were signs that even in one of the nation’s most reliable Democratic ATMs, donor fatigue is setting in. There was no listed price for tickets for Obama’s morning appearance at a roundtable in San Francisco for the House Majority PAC – the type of intimate gathering for which admission is usually $32,400 per person, the legal maximum. Some donors said tickets had been offered for a deep discount… Democratic donors who were invited to the San Francisco event, at the Four Seasons Hotel on Market Street, said they had initially been asked to donate as much as $25,000 to sit down with Obama. One who balked at the price said organizers had offered a cut-rate deal of as little as $5,000. SOURCE He he he! (Insert mad laughter and delighted hand movements here.) This is music to the ears of any political right fundraiser. Donor fatigue, the dreaded drying up of the well, seems to be upon the Obama regime. The donors are either tapped out or are not seeing a decent return on the investment. (Or the regime could just be overly dependent on that constituency and they are tired of being the go to cash cattle.) Anybody in fundraising knows this is death to the cause if the same song and dance out of the same people ain’t producing results. That, and any number of those folks may well have really been tapped out (doubtful, in this case, but one does have to consider the possibility). He he he. No one should have any illusions that the Democratic fundraising machine is about to quit operating, but this is further evidence that the Occupier of the Oval Office is not the draw for big bucks that he used to be. Five grand for an intimate fundraiser where the “Leader” of the free world is the headliner? That’s called a clearance price – and it sounds like the event was not a sellout. Guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of the O-man on the links since his main job function is now ineffective. God forbid he should spend any time in the office actually faithfully executing the laws of the United States.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:23:35 +0000

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