Yes, this is precisely the flag of warning that has been steadily - TopicsExpress


Yes, this is precisely the flag of warning that has been steadily ascending the flag pole between my heart and mind. (But let me add that I do not mean to negate the feelings of many Americans that the current government has made a moral mess of their country’s economy and foreign relations.) The warning is a result of the strange, pretentious, if not alarming actions and statements Obama has made, such as his bold proclamation at Henderson, Nevada this week when he stated ‘I will change the world.’ The fact that he campaigned in Europe with elaborate pagan props also seemed odd. His speech there, where he proclaimed to 200, 000 gathered to hear him: “This is the moment to stand as one…” led to a German television commentator to state, “We have just heard the next President of the United States… and the future President of the World.” A Nigerian news outlet recently said that an Obama victory “…will enthrone the US as the global headquarters of democracy. It will usher in a New World Order…” Then there is his speech at the Democratic Convention. One CNN anchor said, “All Americans will remember where they were at, obama_halo.jpgthe moment he gave his speech.” This was said before the speech was made. Oprah Winfrey said she cried her “eyelashes off” just watching Obama walk on stage. In an interview afterward, Oprah and rapper Kanye West said the speech “changed my life” and that she had “never experienced anything like this.” And yet, there were others who watched the speech and found it nominally interesting. How is that? (On a sidenote, Oprah, a charming and loveable person, has become a leading false prophet in the world, drawing many astray into new age philosophies. At the same time, she has thrown her absolute support behind Obama promising she will do “whatever it takes” to get him elected. A powerful combination, indeed.) Early in the campaigning, many were startled to see media representatives lose objectivity entirely. MSNBC News anchor, Chris Matthews, described “a thrill going up my leg” as Obama spoke.1 And then on another show said, “[Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers.ObamaSecondComing This is the New Testament.” Others have made comparisons of Obama to Jesus, Moses, and described the senator in terms of being a “messiah” who will capture the youth. In 2013, Newseek Magazine ran a cover story comparing Obama’s re-election with “The Second Coming.” In Obama’s first term, long-time Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas said, “In a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above—above the world. He’s sort of God. He’s going to bring all different sides together.”2 And yet, who is this man, and where did he come from?markmallett/blog/a-warning-from-the-past/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:03:04 +0000

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