Yes, this is weee hours in the morning. Ive been sleep majority of - TopicsExpress


Yes, this is weee hours in the morning. Ive been sleep majority of the day so now that I am up for a brief moment there are some things I would like to share. Remember this texts that text is either for inspiration or for you to know that you are not the only going through certain situation. If it cant help you, then it sure wont hurt you either. Lets talk about people who are not genuine with themselves more or less who couldnt be genuine with you because they are not genuine like Ive stated with themselves. Have you ever had someone around you that is always bragging about themselves or other people? Well, I have and it becomes very irritating at times. When ever you are giving props or giving someone a compliment, they seem to always know someone who has something better than the person that you are giving props to. Let me tell you what I do and if you are someone who has that kind of stigma around you, then just do what I do. I dont engage in tongue wrestling about what someone else has or have. So, I just hush-up about and know that the person that feels that way dont know any better. Because if they did, then they should know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They also should know that there is no two people that thinks alike. If someone else was around them doing the same things that they do or say the same things as they do. Then guess what? They have the nerves to always say what they wouldnt do or say. I just sit back and look at them as if I know that didnt just come out of their mouth. Its amazing to me because they do the same thing. If you cant take the heat then get out of kitchen. People like this is always going to feel as if they are superior to you. If you are not responding the way that they want you to, then you are jealous of them. To be real people, there is nothing in this world that you should be jealous of. Anybody can have what they hearts desire. It takes hard work and dedication. It might take you a little longer to achieve it, but you can also conquer it if that is really what you want. So see people there is no need to envy anyone. Dont you know that envy is one of the deadly sins? Well now you know. You are not suppose to put yourself beneath anybody, but also remember that on the same token, you are not to feel like you are better than everyone else. If only people would think twice and speak once it could help to avoid some confrontations. That goes for me first because I sometimes speak out of impulse. But I have prayed and asked for Gods forgiveness and to have mercy and grace. You know what I really dont get. That if a man looks at you or merely just speaks to you, they feel as though the man wants them. Ladies I am hating to bust your balloon. Every man that speaks to you or just admiring you, dont mean that he wants you. Trust me any woman can get men attention. All men dont care what the face and body looks like. Because always remember that a womans private part doesnt have a face. So men you have to be ever so careful about gazing or trying to hold a conversation or primarily just speaking. You have a lot of vain people who truly believe that every man wants them. Ladies listen up. Be ever so careful about engaging friendship especially if you have a man. Believe me when I say that they is going to feel as if your man was looking at them or that he wants her. A relationship is a relationship no matter what kind of relationship it is. So be aware of who you choose as a friend or associate. They can always see fault in everybody else, but they dont see or acknowledge what they have done or doing as we speak. I wonder sometimes if they dont think that somebody else may not be feeling what they are doing. Each to their own. If somebody feels one thing ,but you dont feel that way. There is the solution right there. You dont have to agree with no one else because we are all do to our own oppinions . Who is to say who is right and who is wrong. I cant cast the first stone and neither can no one else because we all fall short of the Glory. I have had good things in life, but what is it for me to keep dwelling on it. I dont have it now. The main thing that I really dont like, is if someone does something for someone and it is not from the heart. You cant receive Blessing on two accounts. One is that you are doing it expecting a blessing. Two is that you didnt do it from the heart. When you truly have done something from your heart you would not throw it up in their face. The bible tells us that if you do things secretly then you would be awarded openly. Because if you have to go and let other people know then there is your award right there. The reason for that is, you want people to look at you in a certain way and so you got it. Because if that person is really appreciative of what you done for them, they are going to acknowledge it to other people. I hate it if someone does something for me and then later on brag about it. Or even talk about what they have done for me especially when they get mad. Remember this people every person that you think is your friend, is not always your friend. The main reason for this dialogue is for people to know that we all are due to our own oppinions. What you may feel doesnt mean everybody else is to feel that way. Your thought one that counts. I am who I am and that is being one hundred and ten percent real. I also would like for people to stop being so negative about other people decisions and feeling like that everything that they are doing is so morally right. Also quit saying if it was you, then you wouldnt do it. Because I have sat back and analyzed the same people doing or saying the exact same thing. If someone else make a comment about it, then you go into defense mode and could not find anything wrong with it. Now its nothing wrong with it because you are now doing exactly what you thought was so wrong. If only people would sit down and ask God to show them their faults and be very sincere about it, if you just wait on it, then he will show it to you even when you lest expect it. Oh yeah MISS THING, make sure that you read this to them line for line because you all are ready know that I always play with a full deck of cards! May Go Bless everyone who reads this. Also remember that you have one true friend and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Learn how to lean and depend on Jesus and you will see a big difference. I am so glad to be alone because I am better off that way. Like I have always stated that you cant get nothing pass me. Dont try and get the airplane off of the runway because I would shoot it down. I am going to leave you with this. Dismiss everyone who took as a friend and reanalyze the friendship. If you have people in your life that does these things, then it best to start staying mostly to yourself. Continue to love them, but also keep your distance. You get tired of having a roller coaster relationship. Eventually every ride comes to an end. God Bless You and may he continue to rain down his blessing upon you.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 12:14:23 +0000

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