Yes, this uneducated society has pushed me into writing yet - TopicsExpress


Yes, this uneducated society has pushed me into writing yet another lengthy status. Let me now justify the remark “uneducated” ahead of being barked at, yet again, today. The single obligatory subject in education from K-12 is English, yes? Well for you bigoted English populace, allow me to educate you on a little bit of English “your language”, and linguistics, you should of been taught a few times a year at school: contextual framework is everything in literature. Got that? Okay. So on the ever so emerging debate of “Is Islam a religion of peace?” sandwiched between the narrow-mindedness and tyrannical commentary and sickening protocol people always manage to cherry pick this exact verse: (Quran 60:9): “God only forbids you to turn in friendship towards such as fight against you because of [your] faith, and drive you forth from your homelands, or aid [others] in driving you forth, and as for those [from among you] who turn towards them in friendship; it is they, they who are truly wrongdoers.” ..Disregarding the preceding and subsequent verse, to substantiate their argument that “Islam is a war like religion” and that “non-Muslims should be killed by Islamic jurisdiction”. First, let me make obvious that Islam is not a pacifistic faith, it is exceptionally logical, coherent and rational, it’s a approach of life matters not a fairytale, and provides direction in all possible occurrences, it isn’t going to take no notice of incidents of warfare as if they are non-occurring. Now let’s let the Quran converse for itself and reread this “popular” verse in its context: (Quran 60:8): As for such [of the unbelievers] as do noy fight against you on account of [your] faith , and neither drive you forth from your homelands, God does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave towards them with fully equity: for, verily, Gog loves those who act equitably. (Quran 60:9): “God only forbids you to turn in friendship towards such as fight against you because of [your] faith, and drive you forth from your homelands, or aid [others] in driving you forth, and as for those [from among you] who turn towards them in friendship; it is they, they who are truly wrongdoers.” Sounds like a pretty logical instruction to me... Quran (9:6): “And if any of the Idolatries (who are fighting you) seek thy protection, grant him protection, so that he might [be able to] hear the word of God [from thee]; and thereupon convey him to a place where he can feel secure.” (Quran 2:62): “ Those who believe (in the Quran), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the sabians,-any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” (Quran 2:190): Fight in the cause of God those who start fighting you, but do not transgress limits (or start the attack); for God loveth not transgressors./”Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, (i.e do not begin hostilities) and transgress not. Lo Allah loves not the transgressors (those who begin hostilities, misbehave, do wrong and break the rules)” So basically simply take up defensive arms, and only a defensive arm. Even if a Muslim should be convinced that someone is a non-believer, still he must accept that his fate is in the hands of God alone, since no one human can condemn another-this must be left to the judgement of God. (Quran 88:25-26): “For behold, unto (only) us (means god) will be their return, Then it will be for (only) us to judge humans.” (Quran 22:17): “ Those who believe (in the Quran), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians (can mean any ancient religion or people with no specific religion), Christians, Magians and Polytheists- God will judge them on the Day of Judgement: for God (alone) is witness of all things). (Quran 2:256): “There is no compulsion is religion” These quotations have been taken out of contextual framework. The most common one in point of fact concerning occasions of warfare during the life of the Prophet (saw) amid the Muslims and the Christians and the Jews (etc) of the region. This is why we don’t take words out of their original context (which kind of decides on the letters used and shapes the words). In instances of war it is pretty illogical to expect one to befriend or service the enemy. (Quran 4:135): “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [ to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Aquainted.” The book must be looked at as a whole, not in sentences. Quoting half of a verse dismisses your argument as it is a misconception. Even the Quran shed’s light and warns against those who do so, it itself states that it is irreligious (not Islamic) to do so: (Quran 2:85): “..Then is it only a part of the Book that ye believe in, and do you reject the rest? But what is the reward for those among you who behave like this but disgrace in this life?-and on the Day of Judgement shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty. For God is not unmindful of what ye do.) To wrap my point tightly, about how extremism has no situate in religion I’d like to use an authentic quote by Imam Ali (as) [the successor of the prophet who was raised in his household] from the book second to the Quran in the religion [Nahjul Balagha]: “The book of your Lord is in your hands. It shows what is legitimate and what is illegitimate, it explains the obligations and the virtues, the final rules and the transitory, the permissible and the forbidden, the general instructions and those that are particular to certain events. It embodies maxims and sayings, as well as common and specific injunctions. Thus the reader will comprehend the clear rules and understand those that need elucidation in the light of the entirety of the book. “ There are many more quotes on the concerning topics, please don’t open your mouths when you’ve read one cherry picked verse out of an entire book.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 07:36:19 +0000

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