Yes this was a fund raiser letter however what it has to say is - TopicsExpress


Yes this was a fund raiser letter however what it has to say is the truth, and We The People have to wake up. This is what I got today in my e-mail. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP AND FIGHT. Jym, will you let Karl Rove and his cronies silence the Tea Party? They want to. They’re angry you beat them in 2010, and they’re angry you elected Senators like Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz. People they can’t control. That’s why Rove and his cronies are trying to silence you in 2014 and elect “moderate” Republicans – Senators like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. They’ve even started to recruit moderates to run against principled Congressmen like Justin Amash. The question is, will you let Rove and his cronies tell you who to vote for? Or will you fight back? Because if you want to fight back, we can win. We’ve done it before. But if we’re going to do it again we need to start today. We need to begin training, equipping, and mobilizing our network of over 6 million Patriots. And to do that we need to raise at least $370,000 in the next 9 days The Establishment wants more progressive Republicans in Congress, Republicans who won’t stand up to Obama. That’s why they’re preparing to fight the Tea Party in states like Arkansas, Alaska, and North Carolina - states where we can replace Democrats with another Mike Lee, Rand Paul, or Ted Cruz. But the Establishment wants liberal Republicans, politicians who will vote for bailouts, more spending, and even vote to fund ObamaCare. We can’t let that happen. And that’s why we need your help today. Guys like Karl Rove have their knives out for real conservatives like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Justin Amash. They‘re scared of principled congressmen they can’t control. They prefer RINO Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Thad Cochran, people who won’t fight back. We can’t afford more weak-kneed Republicans in Congress. That’s why we need to stop the RINOs. That’s why we need to replace the Surrender Caucus. And you can help by donating to FreedomWorks for America! We’re not going to back down in 2014. And with your support, we WILL repopulate the GOP with conservatives who will stand on principle and fight Obama’s attempts to radically transform America! In Liberty, Whitney Neal Director of Grassroots
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:55:33 +0000

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